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Charles John Canning

A picture of Charles John Canning

About Charles John Canning

1st Viceroy of India

He was the 3rd son of George Canning born in London 14th December 1812, He was educated at Eton and Oxford where he obtained high honours. He entered Parliament in 1836 as Conservative member for Warwick, but the next year was raised to the Upper House as Viscount Canning by his mother's death, both his elder brothers having predeceased her. In 1841 he became Under-secretary in the Foreign office, and under Lord Aberdeen was Postmaster General : in 1856 he succeeded Lord Dalhousie as Governor General of India. The war with Persia was brought to a successful close in 1857. In the same year on the 10th of May the Indian Mutiny began with an outbreak at Meerut. Canning's conduct was decried at the time as weak - he was nicknamed - Clemency Canning; but the general opinion later was that he acted with singular courage, moderation, and judiciousness. In 1858 he became the first Viceroy, and in 1859 was raised to an earldom.

He had married in 1835, Charlotte, elder daughter of Lord Stuart de Rothesay, and sister to Lady Waterford; and she having died at Calcutta on the 18th November 1861, he retired from his high office, and died in London on the 17th June 1862.

Charlotte Canning was a Lady in Waiting to Queen Victoria and an accomplished water-colourist. Some of her works are on occasions on display at Harewood House near Leeds.

Information submitted by: Alan Longbottom

Other famous people alive at the time of Charles John Canning

Sir Joseph BanksBorn 13th February 1743, died 19th June 1820 aged 77
Thomas BewickBorn August 1753, died 8th November 1828 aged 75
William BlakeBorn 28th November 1757, died 12th August 1827 aged 69
Sir Richard Francis BurtonBorn 19th March 1821, died 20th October 1890 aged 69
George CanningBorn 11th April 1770, died 8th August 1827 aged 57
Frederick DeliusBorn 29th January 1862, died 10th June 1934 aged 72
Edward ElgarBorn 2nd June 1857, died 23rd February 1934 aged 76
Elizabeth GaskellBorn 29th September 1810, died 12th November 1865 aged 55
Robert HawkerBorn 3rd December 1803, died 15th August 1875 aged 71
Lillie LangtryBorn 13th October 1853, died 12th February 1929 aged 75
Robert OwenBorn 14th May 1771, died 17th November 1858 aged 87
John PeelBorn 1776, died 1854 aged 78
Robert PeelBorn 5th February 1788, died 2nd July 1850 aged 62
Humphry ReptonBorn 21st April 1752, died 24th March 1818 aged 65
Peter Mark RogetBorn 18th January 1779, died 12th September 1869 aged 90
Queen VictoriaBorn 24th May 1819, died 22nd January 1901 aged 81

Towns associated with Charles John Canning


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