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Canterbury Royal Museum & Art Gallery, Kent

Canterbury Royal Museum & Art Gallery, Kent

The Canterbury Royal Museum is housed in a magnificent Victorian building of russet brick and impressive black and white timber.....

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Sir John Boy's House, Kent

Sir John Boy's House, Kent

The Crooked House of Canterbury, otherwise known as Sir John Boys house, is an eye-catching feature of Palace Street, and is.....

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Canterbury Cathedral, Kent

Canterbury Cathedral, Kent

This magnificent cathedral has been a place of pilgrimage for hundreds of years. It was the scene of Thomas a' Becket's murder.....

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Crabble Corn Mill, Kent

Crabble Corn Mill, Kent

The current mill, built in 1812, is situated in the picturesque village of River, on the outskirts of Dover. There have been.....

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Western Heights Defences, Kent

Western Heights Defences, Kent

The Western Heights in Dover are remains of fortifications built mainly during the Napoleonic Wars when England was under a real.....

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Dover Museum, Kent

Dover Museum is a local history and archaeology museum situated in the town centre of Dover, Britain's historic port town. It.....

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The Dover Bronze Age Boat, Kent

The world's oldest known seagoing boat and an internationally important archaeological discovery, The Dover Bronze Age Boat.....

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Samphire Hoe, Kent

Samphire Hoe, Kent

The newest part of Kent, made from 4.9 million cubic metres of chalk marl dug to create the Channel Tunnel. Samphire Hoe was.....

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