Pictures of England


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View looking North West from the top of Incleborough Hill, East Runton, Norfolk.

East Runton

in the county of Norfolk

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay


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Alan Chapel
Alan Chapel
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quotePosted at 21:59 on 8th November 2007

There is so much to see and hear about our history and the beautiful buildings that have been built over the years.

 Our work into the paranormal rescue takes us to many interesting and facinating places. At this time we are working in the Godalming area and this is a ongoing investigation within the walls of the Kings Arms Royal Hotel. This has also led us to another building in the area, from what we have discovered and we hope to post these buildings here on the site. We have to discuss with our clients if this is possible and as we work through this area we will keep you up to date.

Many thanks



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quote | editPosted at 06:12 on 10th November 2007

Hi, Alan. This is a difficult topic, since no scientific research has proved, nor disproved the existence of ghosts (whatever a ghost may be- even this definition is open to debate) and is, therefore subjective. I personally believe in an alternative existence, a world beyond the physical. My experiences, subjective as they are, lead me to this conclusion. The problem lies with the natural human wish to believe that death is not the end. One particular I have never seen satisfactorily explained is why do clothes have ghosts? For we rarely see a naked spirit. They almost always appear in the garb of their era. Except, perhaps for Victorian entities that were often seen wearing the shrouds that they were commonly buried in. (which also gives us our ‘classical’ idea of how a ghost looks- draped in a sheet.) Does this mean that we see what we wish to see?  Or does it mean that spirits appear dressed as they know we would expect them to be?

One scientific explanation for supernatural events derives from quantum theory. Simply put, the universe we experience is one of an infinite number of parallel universes. Each of these other universes is created every time we make a choice. For example, I stop typing and go to my kitchen. My universe. But, I have created this universe by the act of stopping typing. Another universe continues where my typing does not stop. In this universe, I do not go to my kitchen. I light a cigarette and turn on the T.V. This universe then has me take, by this simple act a whole different path. You can see where this leads to infinite universes and existences. Spirits, ghosts, call them what you will are then the ‘overlapping’ of these various universes. But this theory creates more questions. Which universe was the original? A very similar question to when did time begin, or what happened before the ‘Big Bang’?  I don’t suppose we shall ever know the truth in this universe! But should that stop us from trying?

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poePremier Member - Click for more info
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quotePosted at 19:48 on 13th November 2007
Can the author of the above post please let me know by posting below and I'll tag the above post with your username. The system must have timed-out. I've now upped it to an hour so it shouldn't happen again. Sorry about that
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Pam Quinton
Pam Quinton
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quotePosted at 20:32 on 18th November 2007

 Talking about ghosts wearing clothes. A friend told me recently that when he lived in Scotland in the 1970s a naked women was hiking. They stopped and she climbed in the back of the car and said she was going to Stewardton. She said thank you on arrival and disappeared as she climbed out of the car. I was wondering if anyone else has encountered this ghost.

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Alan Chapel
Alan Chapel
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quotePosted at 14:36 on 27th December 2007

Hi again, I think you look too deep into what is it all about. A spirit will only contact you if they feel that it is a need to know. I believe it is a selection from them to you.If it is for their need or just to say I am here.

I'ts quite funny when we get all the dis-believers that in the end get converted because there is no other explanation for what they have experienced. My wife also had an experience in Wonersh. A woman figure came right up to her while she was riding her bike and as she braked so as not to ride into her she just disappeared.This was at 6:25am just as it was getting light. There have been many reports of spirit activity with cars Pam and I think you are very lucky if you ever experience any. It is a definate need to contact someone on the spirits side, for what is something you need to find out.

Belief of paranormal activity for most has to be factual proof for most. But for many like myself we have gone beyond this. Too much science I'm afraid and as you should know by now that science and paranormal does not compare. We know and understand what we feel and see, so we do not need to prove anything. We are quite content on working with clearance and what we call paranormal rescue. Everybody has their own opinion and we respect all.

thank you........Alan.

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Mick Bean
Mick Bean
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quotePosted at 17:35 on 11th January 2008
I took some photos in Winchelsea Church East Susses, two photos showed "orbs". My camara has NEVER shown anything like it before or since. I have no idea what it was or why they showed up but I do know they are for real. I went back and took the same photos from the same positions and they came out as clean as a whistle, not an orb in sight.
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poePremier Member - Click for more info
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quotePosted at 19:21 on 11th January 2008

Hi Mick. Churches and the like are very dusty environments, and i believe dust or moisture particles are usually the cause of ghostly looking orbs in photography. A bit of dust close to the lens making it vastly out of focus in the picture (hence the blurry effect) and the use of a flash or sunlight adds the nice ghostly glow to it all. More and more of these things are accidently captured these days, since the birth of digital photography, especially when photographing in dusty or damp places such as a church.

Sorry to be a boring old cynic Smile

Would be really interesting to see the pictures though

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Mick Bean
Mick Bean
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quotePosted at 19:52 on 11th January 2008

Not boring at all Poe, you old cynic..... Sorry, couldent help it !!

 I must have taken hundreds and hundreds of Church/Monestry/Castle photos both in and outside in the graveyards for meny a long year but only the two you can see on my web site under the heading of "The Original Artist" have shown orbs.

 I work in a school where a class of children had a day visit to the Church. The teacher noticed some orbs on the school camara, the camara is used a lot both in school and on trips but just like my camara has never shown orbs before. Nobody was more surprised than I was when I downloaded the photos. The same as the school's. I took my photos 3 days after the school visit.


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poePremier Member - Click for more info
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quotePosted at 21:03 on 11th January 2008
On 11th January 2008 19:52, Mick Bean wrote:

Not boring at all Poe, you old cynic..... Sorry, couldent help it !!

I bet you couldnt! Laughing

Regarding the pictures, i guess there is that weird aspect that the orbs appeared on two different cameras, and both cameras had never captured anything like it before, but then that could be down to both cameras were both subject to the very same dusty moisture ridden air contained within Winchelsea church, and just days apart.

This following picture (see link below) was taken during a hurricane with alot of dust and moisture being blown through the air, and the orbs, which were almost certainly due to the conditions, look strikingly similiar to yours don't you think?

Hurricane picture:

Your picture:

And NO its not me in the hurricane photo! Laughing 

Enjoyed looking through your site by the way, some great art work

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Mick Bean
Mick Bean
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quotePosted at 23:53 on 11th January 2008
 Be it damp in the lens, dust in the air or a spirt from the other side it all comes down to one thing, a load of balls.
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