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Camilla could be Queen?

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quotePosted at 12:04 on 24th January 2011
should read PC marries D. lol
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 12:31 on 24th January 2011
I reckon you got that about right Mike! lol
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 14:37 on 24th January 2011
Very eloquent, Mike! Lol
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Dennis Bailey
Dennis Bailey
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quotePosted at 15:04 on 24th January 2011

In short, and not so eloquent, Diana had a very controlled media hatchet job done on her before, during, and after her death.

The reasons behind that hatchet job would probably start the fuse of a civil war should Camilla dare to take on the queens mantle. It's the same the reason you will not find any official statue of Diana anywhere on this island, just a drainpipe, and other odd renamed memorials.

Edited by: Dennis Bailey at:24th January 2011 15:11
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Dennis Bailey
Dennis Bailey
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quotePosted at 01:40 on 28th January 2011

Below is a prime example of why there are no memorial statues to the princess.

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