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Another young life taken in our capital city. When will this madness end?

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quote | editPosted at 19:20 on 26th May 2008
There was another murder of a young lad in Dewsbury today. 18 years old and beaten to death in a park. The BBC were getting tastelessly excited in case it was 'racist'. The lad was Asian and the three people arrested are Asian too. Two 15 year olds and a 20 year old. I read somewhere that certain places have become virtually no-go areas for the police. How did this country slide into such a mess in so short a space of time.
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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 12:45 on 27th May 2008
I hear they arested two boys of 12 I cant believe all thats happening
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 13:02 on 27th May 2008

When we were kids, we respected all grown ups. we were probably scared of them, police, teachers and parents. Today it is the other way round. we are scared of the kids. You are not allowed to give them a slap for fear of arrest. When I was a kid, I got a clip round the ear by a policeman for riding 2 on a push bike. When I got home, I other off my dad, the copper got there before me and told him. We were more carefull not to do anything wrong just in case.

My son, who is now 40, stopped a bloke from hitting a small child in the street a few years ago. Because he hit the guy, he was charged with assault on a minor. The bloke was 16 years old, but looked 18 and nothing was done about HIM hitting a 7 year old.

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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 13:11 on 27th May 2008
My dad was a miner and a right old rough bloke if you see what I mean and he taught us to have manners and respect any one older than us and we used to give our seat up on a bus for ladies and all
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 13:55 on 27th May 2008
I know exactly what you mean Denzil. My dad was a coal miner, then a sergeant PTI in the RAF. When he told us what we had to do, we did it. If we didnt say please, we didnt get it and if we didnt say thank you, he took it back. I wasnt as bad with my boys, but they grew up knowing thier manners and didnt get into any serious mischief.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 19:37 on 27th May 2008
Sadly Andy and members several more stabbed again today in Sidcup and Bromley, and possibly here in Wheatley, Oxfordshire. Although I don't know the events surrounding the death of a lady in the village yesterday, it seems she may well have been stabbed also and by someone close to her. However, as I say I don't know what happened and so really shouldn't comment any further, but needless to say you don't expect it to happen on your own doorstep, just so sad for all those left behind! When is this b....y Government going to get a grip of Law and Order in this Country?
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Andy Edwards
Andy Edwards
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quotePosted at 19:40 on 27th May 2008
That's appalling Ron! It just seems to be a daily event now, I reckon drugs play a big part in it.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 20:08 on 27th May 2008
Yeah, this country really has gone to the dogs!
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 07:39 on 29th May 2008

My husband just told me that there was a shoot our in one of the town bars at home, three people killed others injured, and now I follow Ron's story and find that there has been a murder in my own little village of my childhood, and it seems that the man responsile is a boy in my school year.

Sad, very sad!

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 22:25 on 19th August 2008

It seems to me with the increase in violence and the increase in natural disasters that the end times are near. And unfortunately it is going to get worse before it gets any better. A couple months ago a young lad, just turned 16, in my neighborhood shot his parents and two little brothers while they slept. To the public this was a picture perfect church going family. Underneath all that we find that behind closed doors this lad had been abused and finally snapped.

I believe that the family unit is the most important thing in society these days. Respecting your elders is no more. When I visit my parents I still don't touch or take anything without asking. I always consider others before myself. I am so thankful that my parents taught me values and morals. 

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