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quotePosted at 15:20 on 18th November 2008

Last night I realized I have nothing at home to read!! I finally had some down time and wanted to read and discovered I have read everything I own!! I need something new!!

Tell me what you are reading or what is your favorite book!!!

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quotePosted at 15:23 on 18th November 2008
Noddy and Big Ears is a good one lol Laughing Seriously though, I'm only really into Sci-fi books and I haven't read one in ages, if the plot takes a long time to get going then I can't be bothered to read it.
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quotePosted at 15:26 on 18th November 2008

Noddy and Big Ears!! I've never heard of it!!

I've never read Sci-fi!! I should give it a try I think! I've got to read outside the box! LOL!!

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quotePosted at 15:29 on 18th November 2008

I will educate you Krissy lol he's been around for years, even when I was a kid and he dont look a day older either lol
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quotePosted at 15:36 on 18th November 2008
Noddy is so cute!!!  I don't think I've ever seen that over here!! Erin would love that!!!
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Mick Covell
Mick Covell
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quotePosted at 15:52 on 18th November 2008

How about The 13 1/2 Lives Of Captain Bluebear Krissy . One of my favourite books of all times is The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers . My wife loves the Dark Hunters series by Sherilyn Kenyon . I'm off book hunting today ! We are going into Wichita today and Borders has there entire stock of fiction on sale , buy one get one half price ! Oh happy day !

Anybody here heard of Its a fantastic site . Cheap books delivered free of shipping costs , and non-profit too ! All the proceeds goto literacy programs worldwide . 

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 15:55 on 18th November 2008

Manifesting God by Father Thomas Keating.

Manifesting God is about the principles of contemplative prayer—the retreat into the "inner room" mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 6:6, where the individual is able to meet God. In the inner room, the silent space in which God unloads the burdens and false selves that govern our individuality and our daily lives, God acts as a divine therapist, healing us and forcing us to recognize how many barriers we put up between ourselves and an authentic relationship with God. The process whereby this happens is the foundation of centering prayer—a technique of prayer that Keating and other contemporary mystics have revived out of the ancient mystical traditions of the Desert Fathers and the medieval mystics.

Abbot Keating explores in this book what it means to enter the inner room and the transformation that takes place there. It explains the guidelines of centering prayer and offers advice on how to develop the relationship more deeply.

LOL! This is way too serious, isn't it?Tongue outLaughing

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quotePosted at 15:57 on 18th November 2008

I'll add those title to my list!! Thanks Mick!  Do you have the Borders Rewards card?  I just got it but haven't used it yet!! I'm really surprised by the sales at never see that at Barnes and Noble!!

Have fun book hunting!! OH!  If I can suggest one..the author is Reynolds Price! His writing is outstanding!

I'll check out the link too!!

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 15:58 on 18th November 2008
That sound great Diana! Is it hard to read? 
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quotePosted at 15:58 on 18th November 2008
On 18th November 2008 15:55, Diana Sinclair wrote:

Manifesting God by Father Thomas Keating.

Manifesting God is about the principles of contemplative prayer—the retreat into the "inner room" mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 6:6, where the individual is able to meet God. In the inner room, the silent space in which God unloads the burdens and false selves that govern our individuality and our daily lives, God acts as a divine therapist, healing us and forcing us to recognize how many barriers we put up between ourselves and an authentic relationship with God. The process whereby this happens is the foundation of centering prayer—a technique of prayer that Keating and other contemporary mystics have revived out of the ancient mystical traditions of the Desert Fathers and the medieval mystics.

Abbot Keating explores in this book what it means to enter the inner room and the transformation that takes place there. It explains the guidelines of centering prayer and offers advice on how to develop the relationship more deeply.

LOL! This is way too serious, isn't it?Tongue outLaughing

Diana!! This sounds right up my alley these days!! I'll definetly check this one out!!  Thank you!!!
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