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in the county of Isle of Man

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a Seaside Town in the county of Dorset

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Good Day "39"

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 15:38 on 24th May 2013
On 24th May 2013 15:26, Peggy Cannell wrote:
How did that happen?  your skype name nor e mail address are on my PC do you let anyone use your PC I only let a few use mine if I trust them but I am suspicious now but the other day I had a text saying Theresa invites me to sign up for FB to see some pictures, theresa did not know anything about it but she is on FB herself and use her mobile number so FB must have got into her account and found her contacts

Peggy -i am the only one to use my pc---and dont answer any FB requests Smile
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Posted at 15:39 on 24th May 2013
She's also retained a wonderful sense of humour and has a huge circle of friends. I just hope I never get to meet the original surgeon who started all this in January 2012. All he had to do was tell the ward staff that he had nicked her spinal cord and none of this would have happened, but he chose not to mention it, she was discharged too early and that was the start of all the trouble. A week in hospital on her back and the hole would have sealed on its own, but it wasn't to be Frown
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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Posted at 15:56 on 24th May 2013
On 23rd May 2013 19:20, cathyml wrote:
Only a week away from the end of May and you are still not able to plant yet Rick?  What a cold hard place you live in!

Things in Colorado change almost daily,,we have weather like as in parts of the UK these days,,though,this time last year it was record high temps and the garden was in full bloom!(not to mention all the horrific wild fires which was the worst year for fire's in the states history) now things are as green as Scottland !!

An early good evening to you all...

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 17:43 on 24th May 2013

Good morning every one....I generally feel tired 1978...May 24th... I was in Labor...had entered the hospital the night before about midnight and had labor contractions stuck at every 5 mins apart until they broke my water about 8;30 the next evening....and my son was born..... so time to go get him an birthday cake.

Rain let up an bit and not to soon either...huge trees and water laden branches are bringing down older trees....even mine have lost an few branches out front.  Big earthquakes incoming right now. Last one was an 8.6 at the Sea of Osko..near Japan...says most of the eastern European platte felt it. Had the upper 20th floor of an skyscraper in Moscow swaying. Felt in Denmark. But not hearing of any casualties so far. Freaky.  Portland Rose Parade opens up tonight with Fireworks. downtown waterfront " carnival" going on.. we need some better weather..cloudy will do just fine... if it would  up an bit. Rained so much that as usual the sewage facitliy in MIlwaukee over ran it's compacity and put it in the Willamette River...they are asking people not to get into the river water. Myself...another place I wouldn't want to live at. Thye closed down thier Albertson's I complained to not only them, then to the people I'd known for years worked for Alberstons, I use to work with one of their general managers son's....mainly an retired low income community....they had honest to spoiled luncheon meat hanging on racks to be when they had some frozen TV Dinners on sale...only kind they had there for the senior citzens was "flour" based gravy for the most part...I said where's the chicken.. the meat loaf..the Salsibury steak type dinners..with a real hunk of meat in them. There are some good things also for knowing Federal workers also that help maintain an decent standard of living also. While gravy now and then is "OK"...and daily diet of it is like eating wall paste...yep...that's what they make wall paper paste out of water and flour. ..Native Americans used "nut" flour... which had many more nuteriments then does refined white flour. I also found out after ressearching that aspect that they added non-sugared mashed riped black and blueberries in thier gravy also...but they still did it with meat chunks...and very lean meat at that also. I go for now, my kitty is here wanting some lovins for the day...bugging me. Have an good day everyone.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 20:23 on 24th May 2013

Hi to all POEsters

Sorry, I've not been around too much lately, but really upto my eyes with the site. I have over 80,000 prices and locations available for the Consumers throughout the UK, Ireland and the Channel Islands and the site will be going Global soon.

Could never forget my POE family, but wonder how I will cope with it all sometimes.

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Posted at 20:42 on 24th May 2013
Sounds like a lot of hard work has gone into the pest control site Ron, good luck with it all Laughing
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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Posted at 21:22 on 24th May 2013

Those Pest's are in for it now!!,

With Ron at the helm of anything,,,Nothing but onwards and upwards !!

Night All...

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 12:39 on 25th May 2013
Good Afternoon--it looks as though everyone is having a sleep-inSmile
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 13:25 on 25th May 2013

Hi to all POEsters...

Pest Control Price Comparisons are coming to your part of the world soon, no matter where you live!

Going global soon as mentioned and yes a lot of work, but it's what I know best Ruth. So next time you have a wasp nest that needs treating hopefully you will sign up free with us and select a contractor free, but after you have seen the price.

Radically different, no catches, no nonsense, totally transparent and we don't accept cash incentives from anybody to guide the consumer to a particular price deal, unlike some.

The hardest part of it all is getting the public to search for us. Just so you don't forget it's and don't forget the (-) hyphen, the dash or whatever you want to call it in the middle, or you won't find us.

That said our UK Alexa ranking today is 51973 an absolutely brilliant position to be in for a site so new, which means that the traffic (the visitors) are high.

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Peggy Cannell
Peggy Cannell
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Posted at 14:35 on 25th May 2013
Time for a rest after gardening, but got the Cosmos in at least I helped!!!
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