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'Whole of Life Sentence'

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 18:06 on 9th July 2013

Now Europe sticks it's nose into how our Courts treat those guilty of murder saying that 'Whole life Sentences' without the chance of parole and/or release are inhumane!

What about what these scumbags have done to those they murdered?

As I've said many times before, the sooner we get out of Europe the better!

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Neil Rodgers
Neil Rodgers
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quotePosted at 19:24 on 9th July 2013

Ron the red tape down here is horendous the whole B thing will blow up one day.

As we say in Yorkshire you can only keep so many dustbin lids on at anyone time before they all blow off at once.

People that take a life of another person do not deserve freedom 

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quotePosted at 23:04 on 9th July 2013
Not only do we have to put up with the do-gooders in this Country, we now have Europe on our backs, anyone that kills should get life, and life should mean life!!!.....and I agree Ron lets get the hell out of Europe, why should we stand for them dictating what we do.
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Vince Hawthorn
Vince Hawthorn
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quotePosted at 23:14 on 9th July 2013

 I say what about our human rights to live and work without fear and the the victims of these "people" - what about their human rights, robbed of them along with their lives.

          I wonder what these "judges" would have said had they lost someone close to themselves- or do they just live in splendid isolation with actually no knowledge of daily life and how it affects us all. 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:38 on 10th July 2013

Well I know I bang on about UKIP, but the reality is they are the only chance we have got, to be rid of this parasite called Europe.

Our fathers fought them for us now to hold their hands and worse, give them our hard earned cash when we need it for our own people?

I say keep the murderers locked up with the European Judges, literally throw away the key and walk away!

Human Rights Act? As Vince says above what about our human rights and those of the victims?

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