Pictures of England


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Chester Race Course and Stand - September 2009


a Historic City in the county of Cheshire

Stained glass window


a Seaside Town in the county of Kent

Brook Cottage, Kedington, Suffolk


in the county of Suffolk

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Photoshop turning into a cloud!

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Rod BurkeyPremier Member - Click for more info
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quotePosted at 08:47 on 16th June 2013
Have just read that Photoshop as we know it will change on 17th June. CS will be replaced by Creative Cloud and we will be expected to subscribe to rather than own the latest version. The cost per month is said to be about £27 per month. Updates will be part of the deal. To pros it will be worth while, but it seems a bit steep and may lead more to opt for Elements and or Lightroom. Looks like I will be sticking with CS5 for longer than I thought. Undecided

Edited by: Rod Burkey at:16th June 2013 08:51
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quotePosted at 12:45 on 16th June 2013
I heard about this move a few weeks ago on a computer forum. Lots of people complaining about the monthly cost. I have never used Photoshop preferring Pixelmator (£13.99 one off payment) or Gimp (free) but as you say Rod, price might be OK for pros, but it's a bit steep for anyone else.
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David SwannPremier Member - Click for more info
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quotePosted at 13:11 on 16th June 2013
I use the relatively inexpensive but still quite powerful Photoshop Elements for all my processing. The main uses for me are cropping, contrast adjustments, enhancing colour, sharpening, and maybe some cloning and dodging and burning to finish off. I would have little use for the full version of Photoshop, and for the more ambitious the later versions of Elements support Adjustment Masks.
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Dave John
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quotePosted at 15:51 on 16th June 2013
Read about this a few weeks ago. I'll be sticking with CS4 on the pc and Elements 10 on the laptop. I use Fastone for browsing my images as it picks up the Canon RAW files quite efficiently and is reasonably quick transiting between images.
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Mark Stace
Mark Stace
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quotePosted at 19:38 on 16th June 2013

Have to say this freaked me out a bit as I have used Photoshop for some time and like others don't have an endless pit of money for Adobe shareholders.

Looked on the Adobe site just now and UK prices are £46.88 for full CS suite or £17.58 a month for Photoshop, prices include VAT.

I don’t need or use the full cs suite anyway so I will stick with my current CS6 till I am forced to upgrade.

What a shame so many big companies are getting greedy when the world is in recession.

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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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quotePosted at 00:11 on 17th June 2013
Even though I am not a Photoshop user, I had heard of this move to a monthly subscription. I suspect this form of revenue protection will become increasingly common as companies get more inventive in finding ways to block hacked software. Personally, I do not use image editing software much, and have got by on the humbler and cheaper Paint Shop Pro and the free Canon Digital Photo Professional.
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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 07:31 on 17th June 2013

Have never used Paint Shop but Canon DPP is amazingly powerful cosidering it is free and can do most things that Photoshop and Elements are capable of.

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Rod BurkeyPremier Member - Click for more info
Rod Burkey
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quotePosted at 08:03 on 17th June 2013

I have used Paint Shop Pro, a while ago and it is indeed a very powerful tool. Back then, it was a little slow, but then so am I! Maybe, Adobe are aware that many people get their Photoshop via the "back door" but it is a shame that they have taken this step.  

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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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quotePosted at 12:30 on 17th June 2013
I downloaded Gimp a couple of weeks ago and I have been pretty impressed with its capabilities, especially as it is freeware (donations are happily accepted). Since the program is free, it is certainly worth checking out. Though I am not particularly savvy when it comes to using the advanced features in photo manipulation programs, I found the Gimp program to be quite intuitive and fairly easy to use. Just my two cents.
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Ken Marshall
Ken Marshall
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quotePosted at 05:57 on 19th June 2013
I couldn't justify the monthly cost of Creative Cloud. I  have used Photoshop Elements 9 to crop and straighten a few photos. Now I have to watch some Adobe videos online to find out how to alter colours properly.
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