Pictures of England


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Cardiff Service of Remembrance


in the county of Glamorgan

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Castles and cathedrals

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quotePosted at 14:38 on 23rd February 2008


           Before you come,try (900 plus pages) reading Ken Follett's "The Pillars of the Earth", Very interesting semi-historical novel about cathedrals and  life in general  back in the early middle ages.If you are in  East Anglia,go see  the  cathedral at Bury St. Edmunds.Ireland is also a treat if looking for old castles and churchs.

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Andrea Slough-kubsch
Andrea Slough-kubsch
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quotePosted at 22:13 on 23rd February 2008
Hot dog!!!  I'm going to have to have at least a 2 month vacation to fulfull all these trips.  It sounds just wonderful.  We are hoping to come March or April of 2009.  That gives me a year to pad my savings account and plan for some time off.  Ya'll have been so helpful.  I can't wait to see everything.  Thanx so much for all the information.  Andrea Slough Kubsch
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Sue Gill
Sue Gill
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quotePosted at 19:00 on 29th February 2008

I you're going to England look out for the "pass" cards you can buy in the major cities.  We bought both the London Pass and the York Pass while we were there and they saved us loads of time and money.  Many of the stately homes had a special pass gate and we could avoid the long lines. Sue



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Posts: 72
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quotePosted at 14:29 on 20th March 2008

You can find a few great sites with a lot of information about castles in the UK.

For the UK:

For England and Wales:

For Wales:

For Scotland:

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 20:49 on 8th August 2008
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quotePosted at 18:31 on 25th August 2008
On 19th January 2008 01:20, Judy Carol wrote:

I am also from Texas but my heart is in England.


Judy and Andrea,

It seems that England has stolen the hearts of several of us Texas ladies!

The people in Texas are wonderful and friendly, but England owns my heart and I'd move there without a second thought if I had the opportunity.



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