Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

A picture of Ingham


in the county of Lincolnshire

Historic Lime Kilns at Froghall, Staffordshire


in the county of Staffordshire

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

A note about requested features

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poePremier Member - Click for more info
Posts: 1132
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Location: England
quotePosted at 11:30 on 23rd July 2008

Dear Members,

The 'edit post' button, 'show all my posts' and other forum features will be implemented in due course. We know a lot of you are very anxious to have these features available to you, we are too, and they will become available in time, as soon as budget allows. Every penny that the site makes and every penny that has been donated so far is being sucked straight up by the huge hosting costs right now, which is still not fully covered. However, there is some work in progress, namely the slideshows to make viewing the thousands of pictures a more pleasant experience for all, and that will be launched anytime now. We hope you can bear with us in the meantime. We still have great plans for this site, and are striving to deliver everything that we have promised you, and we will get there as soon as we possibly can.

Thanks to everyone who has donated so far. It has been a massive help and we can't stress just how grateful we are for those contributions. Thanks also to every single one of you that contribute to this site in other ways, whether it be adding your fantastic photos for all to enjoy, or posting in the forums, together you have all helped to make this site something very special, with a great community of very special people, and for that we are truly indebted.

As soon as the slideshow feature is ready we will announce it in the forums, so watch this space. Your feedback will help us fine tune it and iron out any initial bugs. As soon as that is finished, we hope to move straight on to the 'edit post' facility, as we know that is what most of you are anxious to see. Please bear with us in the meantime and know that we are doing everything we possibly can to implement all these new features that you request, as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

Chris & Sarah

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 14:39 on 23rd July 2008
I think sometimes we forget, Chris and Sarah, that it's like we're all coming over to your place to chat every day.  lol  You guys do a GREAT job!!  Thanks for being such kind and gracious hosts and giving us the opportunity to enjoy POE.
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Andy Edwards
Andy Edwards
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quotePosted at 16:20 on 23rd July 2008
That reminds me....I was going to donate again. Apologies, I'll sort it out this week, work takes my mind off pleasure sometimes. By the way, Chris and Sarah, thanks so much for all your hard work, POE really is second to none. Denzil says the same thing too.
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 16:29 on 23rd July 2008
On 23rd July 2008 11:30, poe wrote:

... together you have all helped to make this site something very special, with a great community of very special people, and for that we are truly indebted.


Chris and Sarah,

I think the greatest applause goes to the two of you. You are indeed such gracious hosts and it's thanks to you that we all have this little "family" to come home to each and every day.  Thank you so much for hosting this site and making us all feel so welcome!Smile

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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 18:19 on 23rd July 2008
I agree with Diana. Dont know what I would without this site. THANK'S.
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poePremier Member - Click for more info
Posts: 1132
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Location: England
quotePosted at 18:38 on 23rd July 2008

Thanks all, your kind words really mean a lot to us.

Bye the way, in case you haven't noticed yet, the slideshows are now live on the site. Any feedback is really appreciated, good or bad. Please see the following post -



My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
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