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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
Posts: 1764
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Location: USA
quotePosted at 20:16 on 31st August 2009
On 31st August 2009 19:15, lancashirelove wrote:
No desrespect to the lovely people of Stoke on Trent, Rick, but to give you some idea, the place is an old indutstrial area made up of several small townships in the Midlands north of Birmingham, England. It was famouse for its pottery. Very industrial till the potteries closed down. Not a usual tourist attraction unless you are visiting an old pottery factory. but as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Oh dear!  How long have the potteries been closed?
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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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quotePosted at 17:01 on 3rd September 2009
I am particularly fond of Amberley, a small village in West Sussex not far from Arundel (also well worth a visit!). The village has a wide array of period houses ranging from medieval to Edwardian. The castle there has been converted into a first-rate hotel and wedding venue. It has an interesting church and last time I was there, it had a nice little pottery. The Black Horse pub is alright, but the George and Dragon in nearby Houghton is better, older and has lovely views across the downs. Nearby is Parham House, an beautiful E-plan Elizabethan manor that has the longest upper long gallery in England--nice garden and interesting old chapel as well.
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