Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Pictures of England - November Highlights 2020

Enjoying the autumn landscape on a walk though Greenwich Park, London.
Photo by Stephen - See Gallery

Dear members,

Welcome to our November 2020 Picture Highlights, an email which we will be sending out each and every month to all members as a way of showcasing some of the new content on the site. We will also publish information on which members have submitted pictures to the site during that month, the number they have uploaded, and a link to their latest pictures. We hope you enjoy the images. Please comment on any when you can, as it's a great way of showing appreciation to the photographers who share their work to the site for us all to enjoy. Please also don't forget to share links to the PoE site too whenever possible, on your facebook, twitter accounts, and other social media as it really helps the site attract new members who in turn add more fantastic photos for us all to enjoy. Also, and only if you are in a position to do so, please kindly consider making a donation, as the sites advertising revenue has hit an all time low due to the pandemic and its affect on the tourism industry which our site relies on for generating revenue. Unfortunately we don't see things getting back to normal until the spring so would greatly appreciate any additional donations towards keeping the site online for the next few months. Thank you for your kind support. Please click here to donate.


You can find all of November's images in the latest pictures section here. There is also a short England in Autumn 2020 picture tour you may wish to check out, with a selection of autumnal images from 2020. Again, please login and show your appreciation to the photographers by leaving a comment on photos you like. Thank you.

A few of the photos submitted in November...

A wonderful old Yew hedge at the village of Brampton Bryan, added by new member John Savery
More about the hedge and village can be discovered in this Tish Farrell blog article here

This stunning photo of a robin was uploaded by Cass, along with two other wonderful images by Cass this month.
Check them out here.

Another new member, Angela, captured this wonderful scene in the village of Snowshill in the Cotswolds. Great colours, and the two walkers and smoking chimneys add extra romance to the scene. Wonderful.

Not something you see everyday is this wild Parakeet. These exotic birds became established in the wild around London during the 1970s after captive birds escaped or were released.
This wonderful capture was uploaded by Chris Williams, along with a selection of other fantastic images, including some fantastic insect close-ups that are well worth checking out in his latest pictures.

Paul Johnson has provided lots of content for the site recently, with some wonderful scenes from towns and villages throughout the Cotswolds, such as this Cotswold street scene taken in Chipping Campden, an historic market town in Gloucestershire. To view all of Paul's latest, please click here


Photographers who added their photos to the site during the month of November 2020 are as follows:

Angela Lensereflection (8), Angela Ormerod (6), Cass (3), Chris Williams (18), Janice Serginson (4), Jill Giles (4), John Savery (5), Mobscooter (13), Pat Trout (34), Paul Johnson (118), Paul Wood (1), Peter Watkinson (1), Pinkowl (1), Ray Bird (70), Roger Sweet (87), Stephen (8), Susan Galway (4), Tom Curtis (110), Toni Burton (1)

Thank you to everyone who managed to upload and keep the PoE content flowing this month, it's been greatly appreciated and there have been some wonderful photos added to the site. A big warm welcome too, to all new members who joined us this month. Thanks for joining and becoming part of the Pictures of England community. If you'd like to introduce yourself to the rest of the Pictures of England community, please do so by heading over to the forums and creating a thread about yourself there. You can tell us as little or as much as you like, such as your hobbies and interests, or what sort of photography interests you the most. If you want to start any other topic too, related to England or photography, please do.

That's all for now. The next picture highlights email will come to you at the beginning of January 2021, covering the photos from the month of December, with hopefully some great winter shots to show you, and maybe some festive ones too!
Thank you for your support, please keep your wonderful pictures coming when you can, though please stay extra safe during these uncertain times.