C.S.Lewis - C S Lewis Tours in Oxford, England
C.S.Lewis Tours
A journey into the life and times of Clive Staples Lewis


Dear Friends of C S Lewis


Due to the lack of support, probably due to the worldwide economic situation, but funding in particular I can no longer afford to operate the C S Lewis Tour.


After nearly seven years of trying to preserve the Lewis legacy here in Oxford I finally and sadly have to concede defeat re the tour. It means that there is now nothing whatsoever in Oxford for visitors and followers of this great man.


I have been told just recently by The C S Lewis Company who retain copyright regarding the name C S Lewis that I am not permitted to set up a store to sell 'Lewis Merchandise' so not even a postcard in Oxford despite there being nothing in existence currently, and despite the fact that I requested a license from the C S Lewis Company for which I was prepared to pay.


I have questioned their decision and will update this page accordingly if things change, but to some extent they must share the blame for the termination of the tour. It seems they are the only people allowed to make money (big money!) out of the name C S Lewis which to my way of thinking is disgraceful.


I honestly believe I have offered and given far more than most in trying to preserve the Lewis legacy and have received very little in return. If thanks alone paid the bills then I would be able to continue, sadly they don’t!


I will be happy to answer any questions that you may have via Ron@pestcontrol-supermarket.com a Pest Control Price Comparisons site (another venture that might one day pay the bills) or you may like to telephone +44 (0) 1865 874 500 (landline) 07929 032 564 (cell) whilst my book titled 'A Guide to the C S Lewis Tour in Oxford' is available through Amazon, or if you get to Oxford - Flaggs Store, 18 Broad Street, Oxford that will allow you to self-tour.


My ebook “C S Lewis in Oxford: A Guide for Visitors” is an updated version of my paperback guidebook published 2005. The ebook was published 10th July 2013.


You may also like to visit www.CSLewisInOxford.com for a few hours reading and information about what to expect when you arrive in Oxford!


I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Chris and Sarah Plows the owners of website www.PicturesOfEngland.com for hosting my www.CSLewisTours.com website throughout the seven years free of charge, as their contribution to what I have been trying to achieve here in Oxford. The site will remain hosted for information purposes.


Please visit www.PicturesOfEngland.com and support them if you can, for all of your accommodation needs booking securely online, whilst saving a lot of money. The following link will be a good place to start your search for UK accommodation http://www.picturesofengland.com/accommodation/ thank you in anticipation.


Please accept my sincere apologies for any disappointment the decision to suspend the tour may cause, but who knows maybe I will receive help from He who determines all.


God bless you all, and thank you to those who have previously supported my passion for a truly great man!


Donations via PayPal will be gratefully received at Payments@pestcontrol-supermarket.com please add code CSLIO in the subject line.



Ron Brind

Reserves the right to alter any tour when conditions dictate a change

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