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What's your weather like today?....6

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 18:28 on 3rd February 2013
Been a nice day here, sun shining, but still cold.
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Dave John
Dave John
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Posted at 18:32 on 3rd February 2013
Yep, pleasant january day, bit of sun and not too cold
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Sue H
Sue H
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Posted at 19:54 on 3rd February 2013

Yay! Its above freezing at 37º F. 

The snow sparkles in the sunshine. Lovely! 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 20:17 on 3rd February 2013

Keep a hat on the napper to keep the heat in Sue!

Honestly sorry to hear of your hair loss, but we know it's what happens so trying to make light of it to keep you smiling Sue.

Hang on in there mate, we are all thinking about you (Karen and Chris also) .

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:27 on 4th February 2013
Cloudy, sun trying to break through and light winds, but this will be okay for a few days (if it lasts that is) because more rain and snow has been forecast, with it getting colder still.
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Peggy Cannell
Peggy Cannell
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Posted at 14:39 on 4th February 2013
Same as yours Ron
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Posted at 15:29 on 4th February 2013

Good Morning, Chilly here during the day light morning hours,Good for walking! Enjoy the day!


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 19:48 on 7th February 2013

Blue sky after a chilly even frosty start, but was a decent day overall.

Makes a change for it not to rain.

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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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Posted at 11:18 on 8th February 2013
We are currently experiencing a lovely Michigan snowstorm! So far 10.5 inches (27.67 cm) this morning and still snowing. Best part--my university is closed for the day, so no fighting the roads to teach two classes . . . plus I don't have to get out the snowblower until later to clear the driveway, though I will have to shovel out an area for our little dog Gracie so that she is not engulfed by the snow when she does her dogly business!
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Sue H
Sue H
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Posted at 14:31 on 8th February 2013
We've had snow too, Rob. Luckily not so much as you this time around. 
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