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Canals & Narrow Boats

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Axel Levecq
Axel Levecq
Posts: 2
Joined: 19th Dec 2019
Location: Belgium
quotePosted at 16:12 on 19th December 2019
Hello everybody

I'm keen of the canals and the barges type "narrow boats".
I'm looking for a spot where there are a lot of them

I'm belgian ,and the best spot for me is near a railway station and if possible not far from Dover ,or in the south of London.

But I know too that we don't must be waiting for the impossible ... if you have in mind a big or beautiful spot of this kind anywhere in England , I would be happy too .

Thanks for your ideas
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Denis Sharp
Denis Sharp
Posts: 6
Joined: 21st Oct 2017
Location: UK
quotePosted at 22:00 on 14th August 2020

 We have many places along the River Stort and Lea in this part of the world. Alas, we are to the north of London and possible do not fit your travel requirements, search this site for images of  'Parndon Mill' & The Mill I am sure you will like what you see !

Failing that, Go to London near Paddington Station and walk the Thames near Little Venice Smile

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