Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

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Towns in West Midlands

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Berkswell, West Midlands

This must be one of England's loveliest villages, it is evocative of a life before urbanisation and modernity, it is that perfect idyll of much loved English country life where you can re-discover the peaceful tranquillity of yester-year...

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Birmingham, West Midlands

Birmingham, Britain's second city, known as the city of a thousand trades, has long been recognised as one of the World's most important manufacturing and commercial centres...

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Coventry, West Midlands

Coventry has been at the heart of industry for many decades and has a great industrial past...

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Dudley, West Midlands

Dudley is a market town, it was granted its market charter in the 13th century, since then the lively outdoor market has been a focal point which has drawn regular visitors to the town...

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Edgbaston, West Midlands

Edgbaston is a district of wide leafy roads lined with elegant houses, lately these have become interspersed with more modern buildings, yet the suburb has somehow managed to retain much of its 19th and early 20th century charm...

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Halesowen, West Midlands

For several centuries Halesowen was a farming region and despite the spread of urban sprawl the region still has nearby open beauty spots...

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Solihull, West Midlands


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Stourbridge, West Midlands

Within the vast urban sprawl that surrounds Birmingham, otherwise known as the City of a Thousand Trades, lies the once great centre for crystal glassware, Stourbridge...

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Wolverhampton, West Midlands


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