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keep Talking!!!!!

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quotePosted at 22:20 on 28th January 2010

some of you may remember that i posted an issue around this time last year refering to the number of dead and injured (on all sides), in the Iraq crises. well, my gripe was that the leaders should start doing more talking, even with the opposite sides. Finaly it seems (was it the power of POE?), it is happening. Today in London talks have started with world and Iraq leaders and (wait for it), members of the Taliban.

With an end to discussing the situation with moderate trible leaders.

Sensationalist media jounalists are trying to claim that they could be paid to stop the killings.

The only way to end any conflict is to Talk, agree to disagree on certain issues and offer help to the other sides to find the answer and peace. At least that way needless killings on all sides could  stop. Today is only a small step, but its a step in the right direction. Lets hope that peace, through understanding, will come from these tiny seeds. KEEP TALKING!!!!!!!!!!

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Urmimala Singh
Urmimala Singh
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quotePosted at 06:19 on 29th January 2010
True Mike.Let us pray that the process continues and peace and goodwill triumph over mindless war and terror.
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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 06:46 on 29th January 2010
I hope you are right Michael. It is a start isn't it.
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 16:33 on 29th January 2010
Fingers crossed..
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 16:45 on 29th January 2010
I hope you are right, Michael. I have a 19 year old nephew with the Marines, who is due for deployment to Iraq any day. With due reverence to those who have lost family in that war, I'd rather not see him go.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 17:58 on 29th January 2010
IMHO neither Blair nor Bush should have gone to war anyway!
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quote | editPosted at 19:35 on 29th January 2010

I have just sat through the entire day watching every word of the questioning of Tony Blair during the Iraq war Inquiry. Why?, you may ask. its because I dont beleve anything that journalists report.

Outside of the venue stood the usual rent-a-mob composed of extreme lefties, rightwing activists and soft liberals. total numbering about 100, infact there were more press than protesters. Inside the circus, sat more media and ticket holders wearing anti Blair faces. the Christian was then brought before chair as the hungry lions licked their lips in anticipation of blood. Sadly for them, Tony Blair, in true British spirit held his own under constant (but fair) interogation.This was an inquirey, not a trial It has never been before that a British Primeminister (ex) has been held to account for his actions in public. It didnt happen to Thatcher after the Falklands conflict, It didnt happen to Chirchill after WW2.

Under fire Tony Blair held his own as he described how he, as the elected leader of this country had to decide to stand shoulder to shoulder with our American friends who had supported us when defending the muslims from geneside  in the recent Baltic conflict or run and stand with with the French, Germans and Russians. (no contest IMO).

He explained how he had to judge the information coming from all sides and legal opinion, the mood of the country, the advice of his Generals. He was the elected leader no-one else could make that decision for him. 

There are millions of people (Including you and I) who may not be here today had the leader of Iraq and friend to terror groups been left to build on his evil deeds.

Like Tony Blair, or loath him, this man, salaried at about £150,000 per year (less than a school head teacher)  had a decision to make and he deserves a medal for that alone.

Finaly, the day was over, the anti Blair brigade went home weiryly making their way back from wence they came to their caviar and chips. The rest of us asking what this was all about, we only know now what has been there and said all along. The cost of this inquiery daily lightening the public purse, and for what? To satisfy the media, the anti-Blair brigade and the hangers on.

One lesson learned today, the next Primeminister will be faced with a simular decision at the next conflict, will he dither and back down, frightend of upsetting someone or do we have someone strong who will stand up and be counted. It also asks the question, do we elect a primeminister who is young, inexperienced and wet behind the ears or do we go for someone with experience and may have made the odd mistake and learned by it. 

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 02:29 on 30th January 2010

I agree with you, Michael that the sane thing to do would be to talk it out among leaders, however, sane leaders are few and far between these days.  What I disagree about is talking to the Taliban.  They have an agenda that is not welcome by any freedom loving people on 21st Century Planet Earth.  And there is no agreeing to disagree with them.  You disagree, you're dead, even if they have to recruit their own youth to sacrifice their lives whilst killing you.  I don't post this as hate-mongering,  just stating facts here.

Read the reviews of this book, written by a female Egyptian expat and what it is like for women to live under shariah law.  Not to mention all the young vulnerable people in their own lands who are being brainwashed by them into become suicide-murderers.


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quotePosted at 09:45 on 30th January 2010

unfortunatly for all of us you are correct in what you say Ruth, yes there are many misguided people out there and extremists are the worst. These people seek the weakest and vulnerable to carryout their crimes, against the seemingly innocent, sometimes in the name of their religion, some times for their own personal gains. Just like a cancer, if left untreated it would grow and spread, the only way to prevent it getting worse is first speaking with your doctor, then if he cant help you may need to visit talk with the surgeon.

We are at that very early stage of speaking to the doctor, but at least we have taken the first step. Nobody is trying to surpress anyones beliefs or religion but killing others because of it, is evil.

TALKING and LISTENING to each other is the only way to deal with confict, but that doesnt mean you let those that wont talk get away with evil.

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 01:01 on 1st February 2010

Well said, Michael.  And as a condition becomes more widespread, it must be monitored all the more closely and aggressive treatment is sometimes called for, although the side effects of the treatment can then be worse than the original disease.  I think that's what's happened over the last decade, but the evil has exposed itself and, unfortunately for us all, needs to be dealt with.


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