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Early Morning.


in the county of Shropshire

Torcross on Slapton Ley in Devon


in the county of Devon

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Vacancies soon, but sorry only £900 per week!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
Posts: 19044
Joined: 26th Oct 2003
Location: England
quotePosted at 18:18 on 29th March 2012

So once again we are about to be held to ransom by a group of workers, fuel tanker drivers in particular, who want more. The poor souls only get £900.00 per week currently, and they want better terms and conditions!!

On top of that David Cameron says 'top up your tanks'. That would be okay if we were able to afford to top them up. And another government minister says keep fuel in your garage!! He obviously can't know that there are laws against holding more than 5 gallons (I think thats the correct figure, but invite comment).

At £7.50 a gallon for petrol and diesel everybody and everything in the UK is being strangled, with the next tax increase also going ahead also according to Osborne. Why do we have to put up with this nonsense, who else on this earth would permit it to happen? The equivalent in the States is what, about $12 plus?

I can see Shanks' Pony is going to become popular again!

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Sue H
Sue H
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Location: USA
quotePosted at 20:57 on 29th March 2012

As one of my favourite groups, Queen, would say "get on your bike and ride".

I know we grumble about the price of petrol over here, but really, I don't know how your lot survive.


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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Location: USA
quotePosted at 21:24 on 29th March 2012

Ron,.. Obama is putting us trillions in debt, because these retail stores that sell the gasoline can take tax deductions for the expenses they incurr to sell it.  I just spent March buying at an particular grocery store with an outside gas station of it's own....and got my tank filled up for half what it normally is. But it was pretty much an one tank sale promotion going on also. It's close to $4 right now per gallon, with Oregon rates much higher then the rest of the country.  The country will probably stop moving when it gets to $5... for most of the retired it already has... that are on fixed incomes. Bikes are nice if you have the physical abilty to use them.  Of course an 20 mile trip one way across town to get to the hospital isn't going to work to well...and neither will the $900 ambulance fee to get you there when you have no health insurace to reimburse you for it. By the way, my daughter in-law got straight A's this term in her college classes....I guess that makes her daily grind worth it all. People are starting to come out more and more with ideas for alternatve fuel sources. They try to stop them also, but eventually when prices get bad enough, you'll see black market and "moonshiners" of gasoline out there under cover...selling it for next to nothing. Always is that way, remember when Datsun's and Honda's came out in the last time we were rationing  gasoline...with their high mileage cars..I do.

College kids spent last week in an 100 person protest in the city for people to be able to live in the city park's....that are homeless and have no place to go otherwise. They are passing legislation that it is against the law not to hire an person because they don't already have an job also. They are passing legislation that it is against the law to fire someone due to old age also...or to " force" retire them. They are also looking like they may throw Obama's health care bill out the door also...that will force people to carry health isnurance on their someone do you pay for something when you have no job earning money? ...can't get one if you tried.  

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