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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 15:15 on 24th December 2012

Thanks Gonul. I am pleased to report that little Oliver is responding to the antibiotics and his temperature is stable, but obviously he still needs ongoing help.

Thanks dear friends...

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 15:21 on 24th December 2012

Thank you also Ruth.

It really was a very worrying period, but we feel we can relax a little and possibly enjoy the festive season with Oliver who is very excited about Father Christmas coming tonight.

Fingers crossed though, because I have just learned that both Sarah and Olivers older brother Michael (10 year old) are also now on antibiotics with similar symptoms.

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Syd Harling
Syd Harling
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quotePosted at 21:24 on 24th December 2012

Hello Ron, please pass my heartfelt good wishes to Chris and Sarah and that I hope little Oliver is back to normal very soon.

A Merry to Christmas to all.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 22:34 on 24th December 2012

Thanks Syd - it's very much appreciated mate and yes, of course I will pass on your good wishes to Chris and Sarah, along with Oliver who continues to make good progress tonight.

Not too sure about Sarah and Michael yet, fingers crossed, but they are at least taking antibiotics before it hits them, which is a luxury that little Oliver didn't get this early in the illness.

Thank you again to all dear POE friends.

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 06:05 on 25th December 2012

I just saw this thread...hope the grandson gets better...sounds like he made it to the hospital in time...I am understanding that Nelson Mandella(88 years old) in South Africa is and has been hospitalized for some time now with some kind of broncitis..or maybe that was Herbert Walker had pnemonia, the other broncitis..they are both in the hospital, different areas and have been since Thanksgiving.  Seems like we could skip this kind of stuff all together in my opinion. Tell Oliver we hope he "gets well fast".

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Mike Freeman
Mike Freeman
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quotePosted at 10:30 on 26th December 2012
Here,s hoping Oliver is feeling much better and Father Christmas brought him everything he wanted,if he did then i,m sure he will be.
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Linda-mary Sigley
Linda-mary Sigley
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quotePosted at 07:10 on 27th December 2012
I see this post is quite late, but better late than never. I pray the Plows family gets better quickly. I am so sorry little Oliver had to be so ill at Christmastime, usually a child's favorite time of year. Here in the U.S. Oliver would have been waiting for Santa Claus aka St. Nicholas aka St. Nick. But, I'm happy he did get to see Father Christmas. I hope the Plows and all the wonderful members of POE have a Terrific New Year 2013. Lee is going to have a birthday party his wife has cooked up for his 68th B'day. I've been ill with a serious skin infection and Lee has been run aground with all sorts of appliance breakdowns in our home so Christmas was not much fun at the Sigleys, so hope B'day party will give family & friends a chance to be jolly on Jan. 6.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 12:46 on 27th December 2012

Thanks Shirley, Mike and Linda-Mary. The boy's are making progress, but still on antibiotics for various infections.

Your comments, prayers, good wishes are very much appreciated. Know that Chris and Sarah are still without internet connection, but I do pass on your comments. Thank you dear friends.

And Linda-Mary I know you are suffering too so our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery your way also.

Enjoy the Party Jan 6th Lee!

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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
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quotePosted at 14:51 on 27th December 2012
Checking in at PoE a bit late, but please give Sarah and Michael my heartfelt prayers and best wishes for Oliver's recovery and for their good health as well as you too, Ron and Anna.  May 2013 bring you all much good health and happiness.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 18:54 on 27th December 2012
Thanks Barbara your comments are appreciated.
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