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Our Schools are apparently overcrowded and falling down!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:33 on 15th March 2013

What a surprise! Now let me think, what on earth can have caused this to happen?

Our Schools are apparently overcrowded and also in a state of disrepair, yet the Government continue's to send money out of this Country like it's going out of fashion! That is to build Schools and get clean water for kids throughout the world whilst our own kids are left equally struggling and their parents asked to contribute still further, by paying for books and pencils etc.

The number of television adverts asking for money for third world projects is beyond me....£2 for this, £2 for that, £10 for the dogs or retired donkeys, we must be b....y stupid! That said I don't contribute to these jokers who are nothing less than 'do-gooders' out to make a name for themselves.

In my opinion the sort of people who do need and deserve our support are the Heart Foundations, the RNLI, the Air Ambulance teams, the people on the front line here in our beautiful land!

On the news today a 15 year old lad has got to raise something near £150,000 for treatment in America for a Brain Tumour rather than our NHS afford it. What a b....y disgrace, if I had the money he would be on the next flight out, but why isn't there a similar advert for this lad, why isn't the NHS picking up the tab? Makes you furious, makes me sick!

What say you members?

Isn't it about time this Government got the message?

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Mike Freeman
Mike Freeman
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quotePosted at 16:28 on 15th March 2013
Ron i coulnd't agree more,what do people pay National Insurance for.
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quotePosted at 17:07 on 15th March 2013
I agree with everything you say there Ron.
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 18:43 on 15th March 2013
All you have to do is look at the cars these people are driving--a chap used to come in my local who ran a small charity he only had a new top range Volvo parked outside.Wink
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quote | editPosted at 19:40 on 15th March 2013

Next year we start importing millions of Romains and Bulgarians.  They will start breeding so how will the schools and NHS cope then ?


Edited by: Mick Smith at:16th March 2013 07:32
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 19:27 on 16th March 2013

Use your schools for only the "arts" and sports teams  and homeschool the kids on computers...that's what they are coming up with over here because we can't afford the "school problem" either....and they have been doing "Ham radio schooling" in the remote areas of Austrailia for an long long time now. They do that in Canada also. One of Scout family's was home schooled and went to the high school for choir and music lessons and to play scoccer and baseball..competively. They still have to take national tests of compentency as all the kids do via the state/federal law. Hollywood kids with TV programs they are in and in music popularity...are generally Home schooled on the set of where they work. So it's nothing new exactly...just it doesn't require an school building..or buses, or othr such things, so those areas that need classroomscan have them yet. My elementary school three blocks away is setup like come to school in shifts of three days and week and discuss things in person with their teachers, do lab work, sportsand the Arts and the other three days, do their classes on-line in front of an computer at home.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 09:19 on 17th March 2013

LOL@Shirley....Home Schools, here in the UK?

You really are joking aren't you, we would have a generation of get up when you can, never wash, smoke in place of breakfast, game consoles until the pub's open, play pool, crawl home, go to bed, get up when you can...

We need to stop the immigrants coming into the Country in the huge numbers that they are, in order to maintain the School places that they are searching for!

C'mon UKIP sort it out please.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 10:44 on 17th March 2013
A bit late now Ron--it should have been done 40yrs ago---even the immigrants dont want anymore coming in.--fact
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