Pictures of England


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Woburn Deer Park, Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire. August 2006


in the county of Bedfordshire

Rock from Padstow Harbour, Cornwall


in the county of Cornwall

The Royal Arcade (c.1879), Mayfair


in the county of Greater London

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Good Day "57"

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 23:56 on 15th September 2014

Well, thismornig it looked like the fire was being maybe mopped up somewhat...not now, wind came in around 10 pm and we have billows of smoke over our area again...they must of lost thier fire line this morning..I'll have to watch the news tongiht.  

What do you need on Geroge Meade James, anything particular. I have an really thick Civil War Book around here with day by day battles taking place...I'll have to look for it I guess. I'm having my problems also, I can't find metal cookie cutters...I thought if I could I'd send some of those up to Judy also with some ribbons to tie on them for tree decorations. Since she now has "nothing". Last I heard they were sending prayers to her young she had to change to all new in Cashmere. Judy says she can't help herself at times breaking down an crying also. As she said, it's probably the "shock" aftermath of it all. They had no house insurance either. Couldn't afford it. I guess. I think I told you they are older people. I'll keep looking for some cookie cutters but we don't have an lot of stores around here and I can't pay big bucks for an lot of them.I'll try the ladies craft store in here for dollar decorations also. I just got two cake pumpkin spice and the other apple caramel...I like to never found the cup cake holders for them either. People don' t decorate like in my day. Rather it's thier house or their food apparently. I go for now....sneezing constantly as this smoke goes over the area.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 08:46 on 16th September 2014
Good Morning to all who are around--always interested in the Civil War ShirleySmile
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Posted at 12:20 on 16th September 2014
Good afternoon everyone. Fine and sunny today. John you want to look out for an insect repellent called Smidge, it works great and it doesn't have that awful Deet in it. We got ours in Scotland, but you can get it on Amazon.
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Posted at 14:23 on 16th September 2014
Good afternoon John. David has an allergic reaction to bitey things, he's always covered in Smidge when he goes outdoors, he also has to carry two adrenalin pens just in case. Trouble is we don't know which critter it is that causes the allergic reaction, we think it may be wasps but we're no sure. 
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 18:12 on 16th September 2014

Good morning....ah, allergies.. the smoke cloud from the fire going on really set my allergies off yesterday, I might not go walking today. they started putting out health alerts on the news about it also. Last I heard it was 2,300 acres on fire.

I finished my "Hamish" book....poor ole "Tilley" did all the murders, they barely caught her before she did another. Her hubby had went to the witch for her potion, so she killed her, when Tilly woulnd't have sex, he went to Fiona to have it, so she killed her... then and her next door neighbor had been drinking one day and she told the neighbor about her murders, so she killed her, and finally this kind of gypsy lady in town said she knew who the murderer was, so she killed her. Elspeth, an psyhic newspaper reporter iin town sensed her and set her up...she stabbed her also, but she had borrowed an thick under coat so wasn't hurt, but was enough to make her confess. They hualed her off handcuffed, siting the bible the entire way about "sinners". 

Watched the first epeisode of DWTS last night, but like previous years there were times the live tranmission of the show wasn't working to good on my tv one time the whole screen  turned black on me for an short bit. Those people have an lot to work on to become better dancers. A few I have the feeling are going out before they hardly get started I think. 

I have no idea why last night my blood glucose reading shot up outof no where..suddenly...for no reason that I know of also. It was down 50 points this morning at 4 am. but still 20 points higher then normal, why this happened I have no idea.Usually you have to have sugar of some kind for an reading like that and I didn't know of anything I'd eaten to qualify. As of this morning I've lost 15 pounds since I first started Aug 21st...according to the doctor's scales, according to my scales 13 pounds. But diabetes medications do that to me. Last time I lost about 2 pounds an day while I was on it...2 months down the road and they took me off of it. I was no longer to low in my readings to qualify for needing it. I am now one dress size lower...and still working at this. Another 10 pounds and I think I can once again maybe be taken off of it again and try to this next time around watch my diet an little better.  Maybe have my tests ran closer together in-stead of just once an year. Such as October and then the following Spring...or after the Christmas Holidays sometime. I best get going for today, I'm looking for some Holloween decorations I have stored somewhere. But I'm not sure abut the walking, it's still pretty hazy out there this morning. Have an pleasantd day everyone!


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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 18:18 on 16th September 2014
Good Evening to all --not been a bad sort of a day Smile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 18:23 on 16th September 2014

Sorry for all the mispells in the text...should of left out the messed text message and meant to say I was no longer to high in my readings to warrant taking the diabetes meds. Why this affects me like it does I have no idea..but I have never thought I was diabetic.  I have nothing on common with my family to be one. I think that was because I was an "premature" baby birth..and they were not.  Mom use to tease me about not having any fingernails or eye brows...and I'm losing my hair these days and sure would like some back again. Where as my sister and my brother were full term babies, one weighed 9 pounds and my brother nealry 11 pounds at birth. Mom should of had them by C-section...and they didn't do that during those days. She got diabetes also, but I think she also never go any help with dad, sister and brother on this either. None of them go out any get daily excerise...they sit all day. I go for now.

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Posted at 18:58 on 16th September 2014
Evening everyone, it's been a lovely day here today. John next time you're in a chemists buy a bottle of tea tree oil, put it on neat on the bites, that should help. Make sure it's 100 per cent pure not mixed with a carrier oil of some sort.
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 19:06 on 16th September 2014
Going out soon --down to Warrington cant be bothered really --butSmile
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Posted at 19:11 on 16th September 2014
You always say that James and when you get there you enjoy yourself. Have a good night Smile
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