Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Near the Lizard


in the county of Cornwall

Looking towards Hengistbury Head from Highcliffe beach, Highcliffe, Dorset


in the county of Dorset

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Mae from Thailand

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Mae Duangdeeden
Mae Duangdeeden
Posts: 2
Joined: 18th Jun 2007
Location: Thailand
quotePosted at 15:46 on 22nd February 2008

Hello everyone,

My name is Mae Duangdeeden, I'm 36 years old and I live in Bangkok, Thailand. My co-teacher, an Englishman introduced me to POE in 2005 when I told him I was visiting England. Since then I was happily hooked. It has been my childhood dream to see an English castle (as a child I believed Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel and all characters in my fairytale book lived in England :)). My English teacher too did a good job. She succeeded in inculcating in her students the value of English literature. It made my desire to see England more intense. My heart jumped to my throat when I saw Big Ben for the first time from my plane window, and I had goosebumps when I finally saw Shakespeare's home and grave. England is awesome! The pictures I saw on POE helped a lot in preparing me for what I was about to see for real. It is my wish to visit England again. I just have to see the place one more time before I become unable to do so. I am getting plenty of ideas for my next visit from POE, like the CS Lewis tours and Oxford. I visit this site regularly. Indeed a "picture paints a thousand words."  I don't know much about photography but I do appreciate a good picture, and POE has plenty of brilliant photos. This site is such a joy.

My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
Sue H
Sue H
Posts: 8173
Joined: 29th Jun 2007
Location: USA
quotePosted at 16:13 on 22nd February 2008

    Mae, how fun to have someone from Thailand. I am so glad you enjoy coming to England, and looking at the beautiful pictures here, it really helps me with my homesickness (makes it worse  ).

You must share some of your own pictures too.

My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
Mae Duangdeeden
Mae Duangdeeden
Posts: 2
Joined: 18th Jun 2007
Location: Thailand
quotePosted at 16:23 on 22nd February 2008

Thanks Sue.

Something went wrong though (multiple same posts went off) I'm frantically trying to find out how to delete the others. I apologize for the error. I would appreciate it if the other same posts would be deleted. Thank you very much. 

My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
poePremier Member - Click for more info
Posts: 1132
Joined: 26th Oct 2003
Location: England
quotePosted at 19:06 on 22nd February 2008

Hi Mae

The duplicate posts have now been deleted, so no worries there. A big warm welcome to the site by the way! Smile 

My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions

Joined: 1st Jan 1970
quote | editPosted at 15:53 on 25th February 2008

Hello Mae...great to hear from you and welcome to this lovely site.


My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
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