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David from Kentucky

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 04:31 on 26th September 2012

Hi David...yes, I did my research work in Nashville in an old time Jail they had made into an Historical society of all things....they locked me in too!....pretty area you live in. I love those long rows of white fences that some of the estates country. I am into at the moment Peter Adair....but there are many things about this family and O"Dare... I guess is an British officer sent over to New York before the Rev. War that married an Indian woman.  Peter Adair himself is in my Cherokee Indian applications. John Adair shows up around Knoxville in records with General James White...shirtail kin on my dad's side. But the O'Dare name in Virginia is coming through the name of "Darr" in Kegley's...and they are not in the HIstory of Augusta County by Peyton either. I question this he's with an group of Free mason's that may be referencing to him as the "Oder" of one of their Templar Knights group. As I know our family is involved with them already as well as my Lawson could be any number of their specialty society's he is attached to in England for his legacy...or I should say Scotland/France also. Holy Blood Holy Grail book spells this as this...."Ordre of Sion"...the rest of thier organizations stemming off have the name spelled as "Order of..."The family most likley had something to do with the French and Indian War prior to the Revolutionaly War, he left before it started...but the area's this guy was in contains an lot of remenants of the French and Indians in general...and it says the Ordre was also an known miltary branch of the early templars.  But to read whom did this guy's history...they mention none of this so far...but they fit in with my next series of these people here in Colonial America and often with the Native Americans at thier side. Naturally in the Scot Irish sector of the country...they made him Irish rather he is or not. Though his records say he was an British commanding officer. As for Peter Adair, I have his application records of being Cherokee and his affidavid of his family line...which includes one Indian I beleive that the "Wolf Clan: in Canada is claiming ancestory off an John Larkin..not spelled like that though in Ky. Adair have some five different counties named "Adair" after them. It's hard searching for me when people think in certain lines and how they have to be. Some think the Templar knights sailed up the into the Great lakes and walked all over exploring the upper mid-west.. an left graves up north way before the PIlgrim's ever landed here in Massachusetts. I think it was the History Channel or National Geographic did an special on the Both  George Lawson and our Reed(Read) in-law's include an family named Meux in an varried form of Mustick...that's what he did...he taught Music lessons from what I understand...but he appears to me to be French rather then German. If French that connects him also to possible being an Free Mason at some time. But again, he's in an area that the Germans immigrated guess they think he's German and not looking anywhere else. Good luck on your family!

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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
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quotePosted at 17:31 on 4th October 2012
Welcome to PoE, David!  My best friend lives in Lexington.  Lovely state - Kentucky.
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Peggy Cannell
Peggy Cannell
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quotePosted at 19:40 on 4th October 2012
Hi Barbara nice to see you, how areyou?
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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
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quotePosted at 21:53 on 4th October 2012
Hi Peggy!  Doing well, just oh so busy.  I miss visiting with you all.  How are you?
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