Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Ely Cathedral across the fieldsPoppy field, near Chatteris, CambridgeshireA picture of CambridgeshireThe River Ouse, Hemingford GreyPunting on river Cam, University of CambridgeKings College

Cambridgeshire Bed and Breakfast

Also see: Cambridgeshire hotels/

Choose a Cambridgeshire town or attraction below to find Cambridgeshire Bed and Breakfast, or use the search form below. We list over 25,000 accommodation properties throughout Cambridgeshire and England, with many of our Cambridgeshire hotels and accommodation featuring no booking fees and best price guarantee when booked through the Pictures of England website.

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PV = Picturesque village · HMT = Historic Market Town · CST = Coastal


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