Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Pictures of Withielgoose

in the county of Cornwall
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About Withielgoose

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Recommended towns & villages near Withielgoose

Bodmin Moor overlooking Plymouth

Bodmin (130 Pictures) in the county of Cornwall

(4.2 miles, 6.7 km, direction E of Withielgoose)

Historically fascinating and naturally beautiful, this area of North Cornwall has so much to offer. Equidistant from both the north and south coasts, Bodmin is an excellent base.....

Rock from Padstow Harbour, Cornwall

Rock (18 Pictures) in the county of Cornwall

(7.8 miles, 12.5 km, direction NW of Withielgoose)

Rock is known to have been visited by at least one Royal Prince...

Padstow Quay, Cornwall(May 2005)

Padstow (187 Pictures) a Picturesque Village in the county of Cornwall

(8.2 miles, 13.2 km, direction NW of Withielgoose)

Padstow has become a phenomenon of the latter half of the 20th-century when Chef, Rick Stein, together with his endearing little dog, Chalky first burst upon our T.V. screens following the opening of his famous "Seafood Restaurant" which has since become a Mecca for fish and seafood lovers from all over the country and Europe...

Tall ship at Charlestown, near St Austell, Cornwall

Charlestown (121 Pictures) in the county of Cornwall

(8.7 miles, 14.0 km, direction S of Withielgoose)

This lovely little port hugs the rugged south Cornish coast overlooking picturesque St. Austell Bay...

St Eval Chapel

St Eval (26 Pictures) in the county of Cornwall

(8.8 miles, 14.1 km, direction W of Withielgoose)


All towns & villages in Cornwall
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Nearby attractions..

The Shire Hall, Bodmin, Cornwall

The Shire Hall (2 Pictures)

(4.1 miles, 6.5 km, direction E)

This beautifully preserved building is one of Cornwall's gems from the 19th-century. The Shire Hall was built in 1838 and shows.....

I'm going round the bend.

Bodmin & Wenford Railway (21 Pictures)

(4.1 miles, 6.5 km, direction E)

This railway is Cornwall's only standard gauge railway still operated by steam locomotives and the trains run through some.....

Lanhydrock springtime

Lanhydrock House (67 Pictures)

(4.8 miles, 7.8 km, direction E)

Magnificent late Victorian country house with extensive servants' quarters, gardens and wooded estate...

Restormel Castle.

Restormel Castle (45 Pictures)

(6.9 miles, 11.1 km, direction SE)

Built around 1300, once home to Edward, the Black Prince, the great circular shell-keep survives in good condition and is the.....

Eden -  Tropical Biome

The Eden Project (182 Pictures)

(7.2 miles, 11.6 km, direction S)

This is a joyous celebration of precious plant life established as a millennium project to mark the birth of the 21st century. .....

Japanese Garden at Pine Lodge Gardens, St Austell, Cornwall

Pine Lodge Gardens (2 Pictures)

(8.3 miles, 13.3 km, direction S)


Prideaux Place, Near Padstow

Prideaux Place (3 Pictures)

(8.6 miles, 13.8 km, direction NW)

This gorgeous historic house, caressed by lush creeping foliage lies in an outstanding position beside the waters of the River.....

All attractions in Withielgoose
All attractions in Cornwall
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