Remembrance 2005 - The Gurkha Regiment
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
To have thes wonderful soldiers present at our Remembrance Sunday Ceremony was a great thrill. Many know them by reputation, as brave soldiers. In Spennymoor we are also priviledged to know them as friends. Image cannot be loaded
Remembrance 2007 - The Old Poppy Seller
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Before the day, thousands of people around the country give up their time to sell poppies for the Haig Fund (Royal British Legion). Not many of them are this ugly, I dare bet!!! Don't know who took the photograph - it obviously couldn't have been me - but the camera was mine. Image cannot be loaded
St. John's Church
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
The new St. Cecilia window, by Whitby based stained glass artist Alan Davis, was blessed at a service on Sunday 12th October 2008 in the presence of the artist. Image cannot be loaded
Britains Strongest Man 2006
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
The winning trio from the regional final of Britains Srongest Man 2006, held in Jubilee Park, Spennymoor on 6th May 2006:
David Warner (2nd) Darren Saddler (winner) and Spennymoor's own Steven Brooks (3rd) Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Town Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
A section of the crowd waiting in Cheapside. Unfortunately it began to rain just minutes before the start of the Parade, and rained steadily all afternoon. Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Heritage Banner at Durham Miners Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
As you can see, we weren't the first to arrive - but we won't be the last either! Banners converge from all sides of the city, and they all come to the crossroads ahead. Just round the corner is the Royal County Hotel, and every banner will pause there on its way to the Racecourse. Image cannot be loaded
Britains Strongest Man 2006
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
'The Duck Walk' is so called because once this weight is lifted the only means of locomotion is to waddle like a duck! I dare bet Little Eva never had this trouble! Not as easy as it looks (does it look easy to you? Want to borrow my specs? Can I borrow yours?) Image cannot be loaded
Byers Green Village Carnival - Young Fancy Dress Entrants
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Young Fancy Dress entrants at Byers Green Carnival, Spennymoor on 28th June 2008. © Alan Marron.
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S7000 Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Heritage Banner at Durham Miners Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
We're still about 400 yards from the junction, and it is going to be a while before we make it round the corner. But the excitement is building. Image cannot be loaded
Bonfire & Fireworks Display
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Some of the crowd at the 2005 Bonfire. The event raises money for the Town Mayor's Charity. Each year the new Mayor chooses a good cause in the town to raise funds for. In an average year over £10,000 is raised. Image cannot be loaded
Britains Strongest Man 2006
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
This little test is commonly known as 'The Atlas Stones' and it's not hard to fathom why. The test is to life each of the five stones onto a pedestal at about head height. The snag? The lightest of the five weighs a mere 100 kilos: the heaviest more than makes up for it at 170 kilos! Image cannot be loaded
Remembrance 2005 - Honour Guard & Gurkhas
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
The Honour Guard prepare to parade to the Cenotaph. After they take up position the men of the Gurkha Regiment will follow them (at their traditional quick march) and stand in Cheapside, facing the Memorial (erected 1922) Image cannot be loaded
Byers Green Village Carnival 2008 - Ferryhill Town Band
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Ferryhill Town Band joined in at Byers Green Carnival, Spennymoor on 28th June 2008. © Alan Marron
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S7000 Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Town Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Veteran ex-servicemen march with their standards in the Gala Parade. This was their first year in the Parade, but they were given a terrific reception by the crowd along the route. Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Heritage Banner at Durham Miners Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Pictured (l to r) Councillor John Marr (deputy leader: Spennymoor Town Council); Rodney Bickerstaff (life long Trades Unionist); Lord Foster (formerly Derek Foster MP); Councillor Ian Harrington (Spennymoor Town Mayor) and his wife Gill. Name dropper! Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Heritage Banner at Durham Miners Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Drummers don't like having nothing to do... so when we were held up as we tried to leave the Racecourse... they broke out into action again! Nobody seemed to mind. Image cannot be loaded
Remembrance 2007 - Group Pic
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Between the two central Standards are (left to right) Pauline Wilson (Spennymoor Town Clerk) Councillor James V Graham (Leader of the Town Council) Councillor Joan L Wood (Town Mayor)and Arnold W Sanderson (Parade Marshall). Image cannot be loaded
Byers Green Village Carnival 2008 - Fancy Dress Winners
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
This Hospital group won first prize at Byers Green Carnival, Spennymoor on 28th June 2008. © Alan Marron
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S7000 Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Town Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Gill Harrington watches as her husband, Mayor Ian Harrington presents Pauline with the trophy for best float. Perhaps now she can take the lampshade off her head and go and find a place to coolee down! Image cannot be loaded
Britains Strongest Man 2006
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Look - no hands! It's all about technique, or so I've been told. All sorts of ruses are used to make up for a lack of height/weight/bulk, and sometimes they even work! Image cannot be loaded
Remembrance 2005 - RAFC members at the Cenotaph
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Royal Air Force Cadets also join our Ceremony every year, and their presence never fails to add something very special to the day. Image cannot be loaded
St John's Church
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
St. John's Church, Kirk Merrington. The original church dates back to Saxon times when it was a secular monastery. It was rebuilt during the Norman rule of William the Conqueror, and again between 1849 - 51. Image cannot be loaded
Byers Green Village Carnival 2008 - Leading the Parade
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Councillor Bill Waters led the parade at Byers Green Carnival, Spennymoor on 28th June 2008. © Alan Marron
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S7000 Image cannot be loaded
Byers Green Village Carnival 2008 - Spidey on Parade
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
With Joker, Harley and Catwoman present it's just as well Spiderman turned up to keep an eye on them at Byers Green Carnival on 28th June 2008. © Alan Marron
Camera: Fujjifilm FinePix S7000 Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Town Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Members of the Spennymoor Heritage Banner Association parade their banner. The Banner, unfurled in 2006, unites all of the Spennymoor lodges, replacing banners which are now too frail to withstand the elements. Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Town Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Ferryhill falcons were one of three Juvenile Jazz Bands to appear at the Gala this year. Undeterred by terrible weather the JJBs went on and did their display in the park. Other parts of the programmme of planned events were cancelled due to the weather. Image cannot be loaded
Spennymor Heritage Banner at Durham Miners Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
The man in the foreground is one I consider a personal friend. We grew up together in Weardale Street, Spennymoor, but Ernie Foster went on to give sterling service as a trades unionist, and as a councillor at local level (a former Mayor of Spennymoor) and as a County Councillor (he retired at the May 2008 election, stepping down from his Chairmanship of Durham County Council at the same time). Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Town Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
This vintage 100 year old Carousel proved to be the subject for the last picture the Fuji camera will ever take. Not at all pleased about having to work in the rain, the camera became waterlogged, and the motor refused to operate the lens. Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Heritage Banner at Durham Miners Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
There may be banners in front of us, but they're piling up behind us too! Banners will continue on their way in until sometome in mid afternoon, by which time some will be almost ready to leave! Image cannot be loaded
Britains Strongest Man 2006
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Even strong men struggle sometimes! By the way, the crew members are not helping, they're only there to keep the pedestals steady. It wouldn't do for one of those stones to land on someones corn! Image cannot be loaded
Remembrance 2006 - Roy Carries Standard from Town Hall
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
There are two types of people associated with the many battles that have been fought around the world - those who survived and those who didn't. Roy is one of the former, and never fails to pay his own respects to his fallen comrades every year. Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Town Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
The winners of the trophy for Best Decorated Window was 'Art Decor' seen here outside their High Street premises with the trophy and certificate. The trophy is a new one, donated by Spennynews, the commmunity newspaper serving the area. The paper can also be read online at Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Heritage Banner at Durham Miners Gala
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
The banner began its day at the miners memorial in Victoria Jubilee Park. Called 'The Tubs' it uses real tubs (originally used in Ellerington Colliery, Northumberland on a genuine piece of rail (track). A feature of the memorial is the 'eternal light' and plaques on the tubs are inscribed with the names of those who lost their lives in Spennymoor's mines. Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Heritage Banner at Durham Miners Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Some of the dignitaries on the balcony of the Royal County Hotel, Durham. Councillor John Robinson (Mayor of Sedgefield Borough) and his wife are extreme left and next to them Gill Harrington and husband Ian (Spennymoor Town Mayor). Image cannot be loaded
Spennymoor Heritage Banner at Durham Miners Gala 2008
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
Durham is a bit like Rome - it's built in lots of hills. Playing uses up a lot of breath, but so does just marching. It's nice to have a break occasionally. Image cannot be loaded
Reembrance 2006 - Standards at Town Hall Service
© Alan Marron (view gallery)
The standards are seen at the Town Hall as Father Harry O'Reilly (RC Church of St Charles of Borromeo) leads the inter churches service. Image cannot be loaded