© Rod Burkey (view gallery)
This was taken in July 2001 prior to the National Trust purchase, hence the exterior colour. Not a great shot but it brings back very many happy memories for me. Must dig out the negative and scan it again sometime. Image cannot be loaded
A Lion in Terracotta. Woolton Village. Taken 20th April 2014.
© Rod Burkey (view gallery)
Woolton Baths, a Victorian pool now under the constant threat of permanent closure, stands in the village and has been used by young and old over many years. A young Beatle swam here, living as he did about ten minutes stroll away. The lions heads feature up the side of the building and are probably not noticed by most, but no buildings erected today have such details as we or rather the architects now prefer clean, sharp lines. I love these though. Mundane, yes I suppose they are, but I would really miss them.
The baths hold happy memories for me and many others I’m sure. Image cannot be loaded
Woolton Reservoir.
© Rod Burkey (view gallery)
The Woolton Reservoir stands on the highest point in Liverpool, or probably does. Some claim that Walton On The Hill is higher. Either way, this is a fine looking landmark that I pass almost daily. Driving past there the other day it struck me as a potential monochrome image.
The reservoir supplies water by gravity as and when required and was built between 1879 and 1902.
Picture taken on the morning of 05-12-2014. Image cannot be loaded
Liverpool Cheese Company.
© Rod Burkey (view gallery)
If you like cheese, this is a place, so very easy to enter, yet so hard to leave. Here is a place full of fine cheeses and other associated delights like bottled real ale. Advice is free and delivered so well. Shopping here is done at a sedate pace. Found in Woolton Village on Woolton Street in an old dairy building. Eat your hearts out supermarkets! Image cannot be loaded
A tribute in Woolton
© Rod Burkey (view gallery)
Every year, Woolton Village takes great pride in looking full of blooms, including various floral displays during the summer months. A new one now graces the top of Kings Drive in the form of a tribute to those who went to serve in the carnage of WWI. I like the lack of defined facial detail. Image cannot be loaded
Victoria, Woolton Village 20-04-2014.
© Rod Burkey (view gallery)
Having lived in Woolton and Gateacre since 1968, the sight of a Woolton pub up for sale is a sad one for me. The Victoria stands in Quarry Street in which the hewn out sandstone cliffs are still there to be seen as is the old courthouse and police station, behind which in the yard once stood a gallows. The Victoria is a gem of a building and the odd glass of good ale has hit my grateful lips there. I hope that it can be sold to a buyer who wants to keep it as a public house. Sadly with thirty odd pubs closing weekly in our country one can but hope the trend does not apply here. Image cannot be loaded