Bluebells at Badbury Clumps, Oxfordshire - 2006
© Roger Nichol (view gallery)
Bluebells at Badbury Clumps, nera Great Coxwell and Faringdon in Oxfordshire. This is from May 2006 - should be like this again by mid-April this year (2012) Image cannot be loaded
Bluebells at Badbury Clumps, Oxfordshire
© Roger Nichol (view gallery)
The bluebells at Badbury Clumps near Great Coxwell and Faringdon are early this year (8th April 2012). They should be in full bloom in the next week or two. Image cannot be loaded
An interesting old village well in Great Coxwell.
© Roger Sweet (view gallery)
Great Coxwell is a small cul-de-sac village on the high ground known as the Midvale Ridge. Many of the older properties in the village are built of local corallian limestone rubble. There are also some 19th century brick-built cottages and, of course, some late 20th century housing. Image cannot be loaded
Great Coxwell Barn, Great Coxwell
© Roger Sweet (view gallery)
Just outside the village is the Great Coxwell Barn which was completed in the middle of the 13th century. It is the finest surviving medieval barn in the country and is now owned by the National Trust. 
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The interior of Great Coxwell Barn, Great Coxwell
© Roger Sweet (view gallery)
This is an impressive 152 feet long Cotswold stone barn with Cotswold stone tiles supported by oak posts which sit on top of 22 feet high stone posts. Much of the original oak roof structure was replaced in deal in the 19th century but the posts and main and intermediate trusses are original. In the 20th century extensive repairs were carried out by the National Trust. 
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The Church of St. Giles, Great Coxwell
© Roger Sweet (view gallery)
The small 12th century church of St Giles stands on the site of an earlier Saxon church. Parts of the present building date from the 12th century and the tower is 14th century and has Cotswold stone gargoyles. 
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