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Kidmore End Stock Photos

A unique growing collection of Royalty Free Stock Photos of Kidmore End in Oxfordshire . Buy images for screen or print with low and high resolution photos of Kidmore End.

Oxfordshire · Kidmore End

Kidmore End Stock Photos

The 19th century well in Kidmore End

The 19th century well in Kidmore End
Stock Photo ID: 1217435
Max size: 2255 x 1683 px
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The picturesque Church of St. John the Baptist, Kidmore End

The picturesque Church of St. John the Baptist, Kidmore End
Stock Photo ID: 1217436
Max size: 2272 x 1704 px
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The Church of St. John the Baptist, Kidmore End and one of the magnificent yews in the churchyard

The Church of St. John the Baptist, Kidmore End and one of the magnificent yews in the churchyard
Stock Photo ID: 1217437
Max size: 2236 x 1659 px
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Some of the magnificent topiary in and around the churchyard at Kidmore End

Some of the magnificent topiary in and around the churchyard at Kidmore End
Stock Photo ID: 1217438
Max size: 2272 x 1704 px
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The village pond, Kidmore End

The village pond, Kidmore End
Stock Photo ID: 1217434
Max size: 2272 x 1704 px
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Oxfordshire · Kidmore End