OOpps, Look Wot I Gone And Dun !
© Vince Hawthorn (view gallery)
Worry not , all is above board- this area of Albury behind the chap with the chain saw is being opened up as a recreational area and any tree know to be a hazard or diseased are being felled. I just happened to arrive at the point of felling and did get a shot of the tree as it fell but I think this shot with him looking back at what he had done told more of a story. Image cannot be loaded
Now There is a Chimney Stack
© Vince Hawthorn (view gallery)
The road through Albury takes you past these listed buildings with their massive and intricate chimneys. The village of Albury is very old ( Doomsday Book time at least ) and is very closely linked with the Albury Estate which is owned by the Duke of Northumberland and the Albury Mansion was once home to the Duke and Duchess but is now a retirement home. Image cannot be loaded
Albury and it's Chimneys
© Vince Hawthorn (view gallery)
This is yet another of the buildings in the village of Albury that has some splendid brickwork in their chimneys. ( I do wonder about all that amount of brick work wobbling over one's roof in the wind, still they have been up for a long time ). Image cannot be loaded
Albury Fisheries
© Vince Hawthorn (view gallery)
There are a few waters around the Albury area which are part of the Albury Fisheries, this one is on the outskirts of the village the shot is taken looking across form the road. Image cannot be loaded
Albury Village Nestling in the Tillingbourne Valley in Surrey
© Alan Whitehead (view gallery)
An Autumn view of Albury village nestling in the Tillingbourne Valley, a few miles south of Guildford in Surrey, with smoke rising from wood burning stoves. Image cannot be loaded
Albury Water
© Vince Hawthorn (view gallery)
The stream/brook seen on the left is known as the Tilling Bourne and flows through the village of Albury, it provides quite a few photogenic scenes on it's way. Water from the Silent Pool and Sherbourne pond flow into the Shere Bourne which in turn feeds into the Tilling Bourne. The pond on the right is part of Albury Fisheries and there always seems to be an angler or two as one passes, although it seems the fish have an afternoon off today. Image cannot be loaded
A Slideshow of Albury, in the county of Surrey