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Dramatic chalk downs extend from Berkshire into rural Wiltshire, they are particularly rich in pre-historic remains and shelter a wealth of charming market towns and pretty.....
The village of Avebury is world famous for its spectacular stone circle, which some consider more spectacular than Stonehenge. The pretty village also has a 15th century church,.....
The soaring grace of Salisbury Cathedral's slender spire rises majestically over the town. Higher than any other in the land, at 404 feet, the spire can be seen against the.....
This is an old town which was a tribal town long before the Romans landed in Britain, under their leadership it flourished to become the 5th largest city in the land, and was later heralded as the capital of King Alfred...
Wantage is a small historic market town in Oxfordshire, famous for being the birthplace of King Alfred the Great, who was born there during the 9th century, though the site of the.....
Romantic, ruined motte and bailey castle, with building works in stone. Parts of the castle date to the 12th-century, it was.....
This was once a rather plain building until Sir Charles Barry turned it into the matchless beauty we see today. A place of rare.....
A mile north of Newbury. Built in the late 14th century as a fortified residence at the top of a hill, overlooking the River.....
Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric monuments in the world and one of England's most iconic landmarks, consisting.....
This is the largest and one of the most spectacular stone circles in the world, it certainly eclipses Stonehenge, for not only is.....