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Leicester Cathedral
Leicester Cathedral photoshop equalise
This bit here is still a bit messy .
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I've discovered a very cool thing for really high contrast photos.
Leicester cathedral ,a lot of my shots turned out like this.
No flash used ISO 800 around 1/50th of a sec hand held.
I have a morbid fear of lugging around a tripod and the attention it attracts.
It was gloomy inside but had lamps lit which really threw things out.
This is where a film camera wins hands down against a digital camera.
original photo on left
2nd pic has a simple photoshop adjustment namely
tab at top 3rd from left Image/adjustments/equalise, now you can see what it is.
This is photoshop elements 2.
3rd pic is the 2 images combined on 2 layers and tweaked.
I selected the brights from original photo with the magic wand at around 150 and put them on a new layer on the 3rd image to tone the white glare of the lamps etc down a bit.
Basically if an image is sharp you can rescue it.
I wouldn't rate it much as a photo still but at least you can see what it is.
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Photographer: © Mark Corby (Gallery)(31st October 2009)
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ImageID:1101514, Image size: 1752 x 876 pixels