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Hay-on-Wye, as its name implies is picturesquely situated on the River Wye at a point where Herefordshire meets with the border of Wales..
Hidden away in one of England's most glorious little medieval villages, lies what is without doubt, the finest small Norman church in Britain...
Several roads converge on this peaceful market town on the upper Wye. It is an historic town which is renowned as an angling, pony trekking, walking and touring centre, it is also the nearest town to the beautiful Elan Valley Reservoirs...
Pembridge, is one of the prettiest villages in Herefordshire, it is thrice blessed for it stands in a trio of black and white villages famed for an abundance of quaint cottages and graceful houses...
Longtown Castle - An unusual cylindrical keep at the top of an enormous earthen motte. Longtown Castle was built approx 1200 and.....
Luntley Court and Dovecote. A 15-16th century house with Dovecote..
Castellated manor house set in stunning countryside with panoramic views...