Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Ron Brind's Favourites

Favourite threads

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Special moments in your life?...

newby from lancashire

New Article: Finding Peace Amongst The Ruins, by John Ravenscroft

The Madrid air tragedy

Alan Marron from Spennymoor, County Durham

New Article - About Spennymoor by Alan Marron

Vista OS??

Introducing myself


Hope i am not forgotten!!!

Help! I am a Chess Piece!

I could do with Ron's healing hands


Happy Birthday Jo Adams

Clean up on aisle five

Hello! Catherine England Schleunes here from Baltimore, Maryland, USA

I have Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Have you people heard they got an "dead" bigfoot..going to release the news this Friday to major media.

What are your biggest fears?

Ron Brind talks to Oklahoma's about C. S. Lewis

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