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Are the British Heavy Drinkers?

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Douglas Bregger
Douglas Bregger
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quotePosted at 02:34 on 3rd December 2007

First off, let me assure all of you that I mean no offence with this post.  I love England, and have had thoughts of living there.

Hovever, I've gotten the impression that the British drink pretty heavily, and getting drunk--"pissed," as they'd say!--is a big preoccupation for many of them.  And I'd like to have your opinions on this.

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Brian Arlow
Brian Arlow
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quotePosted at 19:44 on 3rd December 2007
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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 20:26 on 3rd December 2007

There are a lot of alcoholics in the uk, believe me I visit a lot of them!! but i'm not sure we have anymore than anywhere else in the world. I think the press make a lot of the stories sound much worse. most places are pretty calm, and drinking is a good natured social event every now and then rarther than a mass brawl following 20 pints. (although this does happen in some places) It all depends which social circles you mix in, a pint after a walk is heaven, or a few glasses of wine with a meal, or even a few drinks with friends. A lot of the problems arise from teenagers growing up and going through that wierd stage, and just getting drunk, it doesn't happen all over and at all. I also think we have a bad press abroad at some of the package holiday resorts, but again its the few ruining it for the majority. We're not all bad. Smile

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Ian Gedge
Ian Gedge
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quotePosted at 13:47 on 4th December 2007
Hi, yes I think it definately goes on, but it is made to appear worse than it is by certain tv channels that give the impression that we are all binge drinkers and spend all weekend in the pub. I love a drink, but its more a case of the odd pint or two for me and not mammoth drinking sessions. having said that there are still those rare occasions when I just don't know when its time to stop, Embarassed but these are rare events these days. I think you get a little wiser as you get older.
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Douglas Bregger
Douglas Bregger
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quotePosted at 15:53 on 23rd December 2007

The following is an article that appeared in today's issue of my local paper, the Washington Post.  It confirms my views on this issue:



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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 16:30 on 23rd December 2007

Not everyone in England is like that. I work for the Ambulance service as a paramedic and have to go out to lots of these drunks, and i must admit it does get depressing, but there are lots of 'normal' people too. Unfortunatley 'normal' people doing ' normal' things don't make news stories, so we only hear about the bad, this leads some people to think its normal behaviour for some reason, so it seems to become acceptable. It's breaking the NHS, and although it is a minority, they cost us all an awful lot of money, 2 police crews, 1 Emergency ambulance, an overnight stay in an A&E department etc..  costs a fortune.. But please after saying all that, i've probably painted a very bleak picture, this is only a minority, I just happen to see a lot of this minority. England is a lovely place and most people friendly and well behaved, its just a shame the bad side of it travels so far afield

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Brian Arlow
Brian Arlow
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quotePosted at 20:49 on 29th December 2007
i think you should be looking in your own back yard before looking in papers to put us down
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Douglas Bregger
Douglas Bregger
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quotePosted at 17:58 on 30th December 2007

(Checking out my window)  No heavy drinking going on in my back yard!

Shifting blaime doesn't negate the basic point I'm making.  You can look at your own magazines and newspapers to confirm it.

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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 16:13 on 31st December 2007
I must admit, you do seem to be taking a bit of a 'holier than thou' stance on this, the USA has many many problems, gun crime and knife crime is far higher, it to has drink and drug problems, I have friends working in the states as paramedics and they confirm this. Saying that i'm sure there are lovely, safe places in the states that see none of these problems, just as there is in England. And as i mentioned above, the press thrive on the bad stories, American press and English alike. You've asked for English peoples opinions on this subject, and we have given them, but you seem to want us to agree with your opinion on it? we live here and see these problems first hand, and believe me, they are not as bad as you are hearing. But if you want to believe the press, thats up to you, you needn't have asked English people.
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Judy Carol
Judy Carol
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quotePosted at 17:10 on 31st December 2007
As a visitor to the UK I have never seen any drunkeness. However, I do not go to the places where this type of behavior might take place. Every country has this type of behavior, but I prefer to visit the friendly people of the UK and soak up the beautiful landscape and architucture that is so prevalent in your lovely country.
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