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Bank On Dave!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 22:23 on 20th July 2012

What a brilliant example of somebody who actually cares about fellow human beings! He has been ignored by the FSA who wouldn't provide the appropriate license to trade as a bank, and was forced to 'trade' via the back door so to speak, but he looks like he is winning and I say very well done Dave Fishwick who operates a van sales company, and in doing so is a self made millionaire.

He has shown that money can be made, without taking too much risk and in fact made a profit of over £9k in a six month period with his venture, doing what the banks have been doing, but without paying out horrendous bonus' as the banks have to their employee's. The profit he made was given to various charities so he has made a difference!

I am behind with what happens next, but will continue to watch what he does with great interest (no pun intended). I would bet that the banks are actually sh......g themselves over this example, as well as the fact that Credit Unions are also springing up all over the country! The banks are in trouble and they know it. They have been shown to be a bunch of crooks, and have lost the trust of the public, who now join in to give them a good kicking anytime they can. The banks are responsible for destroying businesses as well as this beautiful land, but not for much longer!

Don't forget....BANK ON DAVE.................well done Dave!

What do you reckon members?


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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 22:25 on 20th July 2012
Have to check this out Ron, but basically, Yeah!! good on yer Dave
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quotePosted at 16:48 on 21st July 2012

For those of us overseas that don't know about this guy here is a link to tell you a little of what he is about - there are probably lots more :-) 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 14:59 on 22nd July 2012

Yeah, thanks for that CathyML. I intended doing it to allow the explanation without me having to type in all in.

He's doing a b....y brilliant job and deserves a Knighthood for it!

The banks have had it, finished!! It may take another couple of years for people to recognize the fact, but this guy Dave is the man!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 17:54 on 22nd July 2012
I feel this is such an important post that I bump it up to the top by commenting again, and hoping people will read it, because this guy is going places! We need people like Dave Fishwick....we DON'T need the banks in their current form, simple as that!

Edited by: Ron Brind at:23rd July 2012 08:25
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quotePosted at 14:10 on 23rd July 2012
I heard this on the news the other day, and all credit to the man.  It's about time someone took on the industry.  I am so glad to be out of that environment now.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:31 on 24th July 2012

You mean you were a banker Debbie? Wow, will we ever talk to her

Well it bumps it to the top again

Bank On Dave!

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quotePosted at 21:16 on 24th July 2012
Yeah, I worked for a branch of the Icelandic Bank, Landsbanki.  Need I say more.  Their going bust was the best thing that happened to me, lol.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 00:00 on 26th July 2012
On 22nd July 2012 17:54, Ron Brind wrote:
I feel this is such an important post that I bump it up to the top by commenting again, and hoping people will read it, because this guy is going places! We need people like Dave Fishwick....we DON'T need the banks in their current form, simple as that!

Over 700 people have looked at this thread so far...more the merrier!

Bank On Dave!!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 10:12 on 26th July 2012
Nearly 800 people now Banking On Dave!
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