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Posts: 23275
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Location: South Africa
quotePosted at 09:57 on 31st December 2012

I hope by now that all the children have recovered well and were able to enjoy the best of the Season!

A very worrying time for you all I am sure and I wish you all a healthier, happier 2013!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Location: England
quotePosted at 17:06 on 1st January 2013

Thanks CathyML and all...

Pleased to report that both Oliver and Michael are nearly over their problems. They were up late last night, which was a significant improvement, but thanks to you all for your prayers, kind thoughts, and best wishes because it really was a difficult time for all concerned.

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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 18:20 on 1st January 2013
On 27th December 2012 14:51, Barbara Shoemaker wrote:
Checking in at PoE a bit late, but please give Sarah and Michael my heartfelt prayers and best wishes for Oliver's recovery and for their good health as well as you too, Ron and Anna.  May 2013 bring you all much good health and happiness.

May i second that??!!
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Location: England
quotePosted at 18:31 on 1st January 2013
Thanks Barbara and Rick!
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