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Milton Abbas is a superb thatched village which has the distinction of being the first planned village of its kind in England...
Athelhampton lies close to the little River Piddle which almost entirely encircles Athelhampton House which was built in the 15th-century by Sir William Martyn who was granted the lands and a license to build upon them by King Henry VII in the year 1483...
Sturminster Marshall is famous for its beautiful White Corn Mill and for the magnificent eight arched bridge spanning the River Stour...
A small attractive Market Town in Dorset...
Wimborne Minster is a magnificent Georgian town in the valley of the delightful River Stour...
Athelhampton House is a fine example of a 15th Century house nestling in deepest Dorset...
The White Mill is an attraction in the delightful village of Sturminster Marshall. The cornmill occupies a site recorded in.....
This is a place where "Monkey Business" really is acceptable, for the centre is home to over 150 primates of 15 different.....
Set in 250 acres of spectacular parkland landscaped in the latter half of the 18th century and now roamed by a herd of Red Devon.....
Home of poet and novelist Thomas Hardy until the age of 34. Under the Greenwood Tree and Far from the Madding Crowd were.....
This magnificent figure cut into the turf of a chalk hillside is best viewed from the north of the village. He is known as "The.....