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This small town appears to be almost surrounded by water, it developed along the banks of the River Aire and to the east is the Ouse...
A long narrow street of grey houses defines the character of New Holland, but there are good views up the river to the Humber Bridge, and across the river to the bustling port of Hull...
This is a town best known for its impressive Minster church which is without doubt one of the most splendid in Europe. It is mostly Early English in style and was begun in 1220......
Kingston-upon-Hull is the proper name for this major industrial city which occupies a dynamic waterfront location on the giant River Humber which flows into the eastern coast of.....
Doncaster lies in what was once a great sweep of Yorkshire coalfields. It is home to one of the finest racecourses in the country where the classic St.Leger Stakes has been run each September since 1776, making the race four years older than the Derby...
Breathtaking ruins showing clearly the medieval splendour enjoyed by the abbots in the days before the Reformation. The.....
St.Georges is the Minster Church of Doncaster. It was built to a design by Sir Gilbert Scott, architect, who was instructed to.....
Gainsborough Old Hall is one of the largest and most outstanding surviving examples of a late medieval house in the country. It.....
Cusworth Hall is a mid 18th century house built for the Wrightson family, with wings added later by James Paine. The house.....