Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Pictures of Enfield Highway

in the county of Greater London
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About Enfield Highway

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Recommended towns & villages near Enfield Highway

Epping, Essex

Epping (8 Pictures) in the county of Essex

(7.2 miles, 11.6 km, direction NE of Enfield Highway)

Queen Elizabeth 1st was a frequent visitor to Epping. It was in 1575 on a visit to Thomas Heneage at Copped Hall that the Queen costituted him Clerk of the Market with his heirs forever, she also granted further market rights...

Dobbs Weir, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire

Hoddesdon (3 Pictures) in the county of Hertfordshire

(7.5 miles, 12.0 km, direction N of Enfield Highway)

Hoddesdon is an ancient market town located in a spacious area of Hertfordshire close to its boundary with Essex...

St Michael's Church

Camden Town (141 Pictures) in the county of Greater London

(8.9 miles, 14.3 km, direction SW of Enfield Highway)

Camden town is a vibrant cosmopolitan region of London...

John Betjemen, St. Pancras Station

St Pancras (44 Pictures) in the county of Greater London

(9.4 miles, 15.2 km, direction S of Enfield Highway)

The name of the area is taken from the boy martyred in AD 304. Pancras was the orphaned Christian son of a Phrygian nobleman who was brought up at the court of the Emperor in Rome...

London - Marylebone, Paddington Place, Sept 2002

Marylebone (6 Pictures) in the county of Greater London

(10.4 miles, 16.7 km, direction SW of Enfield Highway)

Marylebone is one of London's more affluent area's, it is home mostly to the well to do, and yet only a couple of centuries ago a large workhouse was built here to give shelter to the poor and homeless, often foundlings were discovered on the workhouse doorstep...

All towns & villages in Greater London
Complete A to Z of towns & villages in England

Nearby attractions..

Waltham Abbey Church

Waltham Abbey Church (10 Pictures)

(2.8 miles, 4.5 km, direction NE)



Lee Valley Park (4 Pictures)

(3.0 miles, 4.8 km, direction NE)

A 26 mile long stretch following the river Lee, the Lee Valley Park is made up of country parks, heritage sites, lake and.....

Highgate Cemetery, London

Highgate Cemetery (38 Pictures)

(7.6 miles, 12.2 km, direction SW)

London's famous victorian Cemetery..

London - a picture of Ponds of Hampstead Heath

Hampstead Heath (9 Pictures)

(8.3 miles, 13.3 km, direction SW)

This marvellous richly planted seemingly unending open area is one of London's favourite places. It was formerly the grounds of.....

The Geffrye Museum, London. One of the Historic Interiors decked for Christmas.

The Geffrye Museum (3 Pictures)

(8.5 miles, 13.7 km, direction S)


A picture of Three Mills

Three Mills (22 Pictures)

(8.8 miles, 14.2 km, direction S)

A fascinating group of historic industrial buildings which include the House Mill, the largest tidal mill left standing in.....

R.A.F. Museum, Hendon, Hendon, Greater London

R.A.F. Museum, Hendon (92 Pictures)

(9.3 miles, 14.9 km, direction SW)


All attractions in Enfield Highway
All attractions in Greater London
Complete A to Z of attractions in England