Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Pictures of Clatterford

in the county of Isle of Wight
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About Clatterford

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Recommended towns & villages near Clatterford

Ford at Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight

Carisbrooke (23 Pictures) in the county of Isle of Wight

(0.5 miles, 0.8 km of Clatterford)

Carisbrooke sits close to Newport on the lovely Isle of Wight...

Cliffs at the Needles on the IOW

Newport (21 Pictures) in the county of Isle of Wight

(1.9 miles, 3.1 km, direction NE of Clatterford)

County Town, being sited on the River Medina, about 5 miles from the sea. Despite its name, the town became the 'New Port' and was given its charter by Richard de Revers, Lord of the Island, as early as 1180...

Godshill in April

Godshill (91 Pictures) in the county of Isle of Wight

(4.7 miles, 7.5 km, direction SE of Clatterford)

This is a gorgeous little spot which makes an ideal 'away from the crowds' location in which to sample peaceful Island life...

Alum Bay

Cowes (52 Pictures) in the county of Isle of Wight

(5.4 miles, 8.7 km, direction N of Clatterford)

The most famous yachting resort in the world. Cowes dates back to Tudor times and is divided in two by the River Medina, creating East and West Cowes..

The Crab

Shanklin (57 Pictures) in the county of Isle of Wight

(7.4 miles, 11.9 km, direction SE of Clatterford)

This is a busy and popular seaside town with cliffs rising in places to a height of around 150ft, the lower slopes lead down to the beach which opens up to a delightful bay...

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Nearby attractions..

Carisbrooke Castle looking inwards

Carisbrooke Castle & Museum (28 Pictures)

(0.5 miles, 0.8 km)

The castle is where the Roundheads kept King Charles I a prisoner from 1647 until shortly before his execution on 30 January.....

Osborne House. Isle of Wight

Osborne House (73 Pictures)

(5.1 miles, 8.3 km, direction NE)

It is often said, in spite of the fact Queen Victoria spent much of her time at Balmoral in the Scottish highlands, that Osborne.....

Appuldurcombe House, Wroxall, Isle of Wight

Appuldurcombe House (3 Pictures)

(6.1 miles, 9.8 km, direction SE)

This marvellous, romantic ruin was once one of the finest 18th century mansions on the Isle of Wight. The building, in a.....

Quarr, Old Abbey ruins

Quarr Abbey (4 Pictures)

(6.3 miles, 10.1 km, direction NE)

The ruins of Quarr Abbey can be found close to the entrance of Wooten Creek, a pretty waterway used by small fishing boats and.....

Brading Roman Villa exterior

Brading Roman Villa (13 Pictures)

(7.5 miles, 12.0 km, direction E)


Yarmouth Castle, Yarmouth, Isle of Wight.

Yarmouth Castle (5 Pictures)

(7.9 miles, 12.7 km, direction W)

This was the last great castle built as part of Henry VIII's fortifications against invasion of Britain by the French. .....

Exbury gardens, Exbury, Hampshire

Exbury Gardens (64 Pictures)

(8.2 miles, 13.2 km, direction NW)

This is a spectacular garden hidden in pleasant countryside overlooking the Beaulieu River in the New Forest. The.....

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All attractions in Isle of Wight
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