Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Foreshore at Gravesend with Royal Terrace Pier.


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Towns in North Yorkshire

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Port Mulgrave, North Yorkshire


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Ravenscar, North Yorkshire


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Redcar, North Yorkshire


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Reeth, North Yorkshire

An area of startling clarity, populated with beautiful old stone buildings, Reeth is a famous centre from which to tour the beautiful Yorkshire Dales...

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Richmond, North Yorkshire

Richmond is a lovely old market town on the River Swale in North Yorkshire...

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Rievaulx, North Yorkshire

The pretty village of Rievaulx has a wealth of stout stone cottages and a few hansome houses nestling in a curve beyond dry-stone walls beneath the wooded hills of the beautiful Rydale Valley...

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Ripley, North Yorkshire


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Ripon, North Yorkshire

Every night Ripons market square is the scene of a 1,000 year old custom when the city Wakeman blows his horn...

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Robin Hood's Bay, North Yorkshire

The talk in the local pub is all of Robin Hood, did he pass through this bay whilst journeying to Whitby, or did he not?..

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Rosedale Abbey, North Yorkshire

This is a lovely village hidden in a lush green valley landscape of sweeping hillsides, meadows and breathtaking scenery...

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Runswick Bay, North Yorkshire

Runswick Bay lies at the edge of the North Yorkshire Moors National Park, the village is tucked between rising cliffs at the western end of a lovely sweep of sand...

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Saltburn-by-the-Sea, North Yorkshire

A lovely winding road drops down from the valley above to this small seaside resort and fishing haven...

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Sandsend, North Yorkshire

A wildly beautiful rugged coastal area with over two and a half miles of uninterrupted golden sand which in high summer is idyllic for holiday makers, and attractive to surfers...

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Scarborough, North Yorkshire

To this day Scarborough remains a very popular resort and this delightful north coast town overlooks two magnificent sandy bays which are divided by a huge headland...

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Scotton, North Yorkshire

Home to the infamous Guy Fawkes whos residence still stands at the end of the village. On bonfire night or 'Guy Fawkes' night, unlike other areas of England where an effigy of Guy.....

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Settle, North Yorkshire

A wonderful market town in the Yorkshire Dales. Settle is the starting point for the famous Settle to Carlisle Railway; one of Britain's most spectacular and scenic railways which.....

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Sinnington, North Yorkshire

Sinnington is a picturesque village on the southern edge of the North York Moors National Park. Famous residents of Sinnington include Catherine Parr, who was resident in the.....

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Skinningrove, North Yorkshire


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Skipton, North Yorkshire

Long considered "The Gateway to the Dales" which lye to the north, moors extend southwards, and the tranquil countryside of the Ribble Valley is to the west...

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Snainton, North Yorkshire

A small picturesque village in North Yorkshire, between Pickering and Scarborough..

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