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Easter Monday sees the villages of Hallaton and Medbourne engaged in a riotous 'bottle kicking' contest which is said to have pagan origins...
Hidden amongst leafy lanes and glorious poppy fields of the undulating Northamptonshire countryside, lies the peaceful village of Guilsborough...
Picturesque village straddling the banks of the River Avon...
The landscape of Northampton is dotted with reminders of its illustrious history. Despite the great fire of 1675 when much of Northampton was destroyed, it was rebuilt in such a.....
For centuries the countryside around Oakham has echoed to the sound of hunting horns, for the vales and rolling farmland surrounding this sedate market town, have been the stamping ground for the counties hunting fraternity...
"This is a beautifully maintained garden of exceptional charm...there is something for everyone here. This garden could not fail.....
Looking around the romantic ruin of Kirby Hall it is easy to imagine the splendour of an age when romance was all, and great.....