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The town was mentioned in the Doomsday Book, and several historic properties can be found in the region from shortly after this time, of these, of particular note are the handsome ruins of Roche Abbey, a Cistercian foundation of 1147...
The dense spread of Worksop in Nottinghamshire meets with some seriously picturesque countryside, it is fortunate to be ringed by two rivers, the Clumber which borders Clumber Country Park, and the River Ryton...
This town was formerly a Saxon market town which remained largely unaltered until the Industrial Revolution...
Doncaster lies in what was once a great sweep of Yorkshire coalfields. It is home to one of the finest racecourses in the country where the classic St.Leger Stakes has been run each September since 1776, making the race four years older than the Derby...
Bolsover is a small town lying 5 miles east of Chesterfield. It occupies a picturesque valley setting, watched over by 17th century Bolsover Castle which stands on the site of a former fortress of Norman times...
The evocative remains of Roche Abbey rising from a landscape laid out by Capability Brown present an awe-inspiring sight,.....
Thrybergh Country Park evolved out of Thrybergh Reservoir built in the 1800's to supply the borough of Doncaster with water. .....
The dilapidated ruins of Conisbrough Castle make an impressive sight, particularly its keep, which is unusual in design. The.....
The peaceful landscape of this delightful country park gives visitors lovely summer memories of time spent ambling around.....
Cusworth Hall is a mid 18th century house built for the Wrightson family, with wings added later by James Paine. The house.....
St.Georges is the Minster Church of Doncaster. It was built to a design by Sir Gilbert Scott, architect, who was instructed to.....