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The town now takes advantage of its superb position, operating mostly as an attractive place for tourists...
Set amidst the stark loneliness of the High Peak the village of Baslow is surrounded by some of the finest historic properties to be found in Derbyshire...
Setting its chilling history to one side, this is a village with a lot to offer. It is hidden away in a matchless location above the limestone peaks of Middleton Dale in the Peak District...
Chesterfield is an attractive town close to the dramatic peaks of the Peak District National Park. It is well known for its strange landmark, the crooked spire of its parish.....
This cathedral dates mostly from the 15th century, it was the former parish church of St.Peter and St.Paul, its tower and.....
Stanage Edge is an elevated gritstone edge or enscarpment that stretches for around 4 miles giving extensive views across the.....
The magnificent Classical mansion that is Chatsworth House, is one of the most celebrated Historic Houses in England. Built in.....
The varied and seductive scenery of the Peak District National Park rivals the scenic beauty of any where in the land. It is an.....
This beautiful reservoir is found in the undulating Derbyshire countryside. It is the lowest of the Peak districts three.....