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A village to relish, set in leafy countryside bounded by quiet waterways...
Warwick offers its visitors the chance to explore England's fascinating history with fine medieval buildings and a truly magnificent castle...
Stratford Upon Avon is a beautiful historic market town in the County of Warwickshire. Famous as the birthplace of the legendry playwright William Shakespeare..
This town has a history stretching back to the Doomsday Book, but it was Queen Victoria who put the "Royal" into Leamington Spa when she bestowed the title in 1838...
Traditionally known as the last outpost of the Cotswolds...
From the first moment you see Charlecote's magnificent gatehouse, you know you are in for something special, for this house is a.....
The first military encampment was built on the banks of the river Avon in Warwickshire by Ethelfleda, sister of Edward the Elder,.....
This is a delightful country park covering almost 100 acres of rugged landscape full of rich and varied historical interest. The.....
Lovely in the summer, St Nicholas park contains a crazy golf course, childrens train, amusements, paddling pool and boats for.....
A charming 17th century mansion displaying folk life and costume, with period reconstructions of a Victorian parlour, kitchen and.....
The Warwickshire County Museum is housed in the Market Hall which was built in 1670. It was built on arches to allow for stalls.....
The black and white fronted Oken's House houses one of the finest collections of early dolls and toys in the country. It was the.....