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quotePosted at 21:05 on 29th July 2008
I saw on the news tonight there's been an earthquake in Los Angelis, 5.8 on the richter scale, thankfully no one was hurt this time but can anyone tell me why on earth they built a huge city like that right on the San Andreas Fault? It's like in Italy, I have seen, and climbed Mount Vesuvius, but there's thousands of people still living at the base of it, it's a live Volcano which could erupt at anytime!..... so why?
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quotePosted at 21:20 on 29th July 2008

We just had one here in New Jersey today!!!  That is very rare...although it is the second one in that area...last one being in 2003 which was a 3.8.  Today's was 2.1-magnitude quake.   No injuries and no damage. 

Very scary....just waiting for the other shoe to drop!!

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Paul HiltonPremier Member - Click for more info
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quotePosted at 21:46 on 29th July 2008
Seems to me that L.A. was developeing quite nicely long before the San Andreas Fault was discovered. I think you hav to look at the whole Pacific region to get a truer picture of what is happening, and there's a lot of people living in this earthquake/volcanic type area. After 1906, they still re-built San Francisco.My own theory--and it's no more than that--is the shockwaves from this one may well trigger another smaller earthquake/strong tremors 1000's of miles away.
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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 21:51 on 29th July 2008
i think you could be right Paul and all Im a bit of an ecspert on earthqaukes ever since I got that book how to be an ecspert on earthqaukes and i think you could be right did i say that once already then@?
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Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 21:56 on 29th July 2008
yes Lyn thats a good point and all I cant believe they biult a huge city like Redruth over all them disused tinmines its a Cornish catstrophy waiting to happen and it will be eqaul to that Los Angels thing and all
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 22:40 on 29th July 2008
On 29th July 2008 21:05, Lyn Greenaway wrote:
I saw on the news tonight there's been an earthquake in Los Angelis, 5.8 on the richter scale, thankfully no one was hurt this time but can anyone tell me why on earth they built a huge city like that right on the San Andreas Fault? It's like in Italy, I have seen, and climbed Mount Vesuvius, but there's thousands of people still living at the base of it, it's a live Volcano which could erupt at anytime!..... so why?

being somewhat of a neighbor to California(two states away)i have always wondered the same thing Lyn,

i would visit,but not stay too long,would bring a tent!!!!

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Paul HiltonPremier Member - Click for more info
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quotePosted at 22:45 on 29th July 2008
On 29th July 2008 22:40, Richard Sellers wrote:
On 29th July 2008 21:05, Lyn Greenaway wrote:
I saw on the news tonight there's been an earthquake in Los Angelis, 5.8 on the richter scale, thankfully no one was hurt this time but can anyone tell me why on earth they built a huge city like that right on the San Andreas Fault? It's like in Italy, I have seen, and climbed Mount Vesuvius, but there's thousands of people still living at the base of it, it's a live Volcano which could erupt at anytime!..... so why?

being somewhat of a neighbor to California(two states away)i have always wondered the same thing Lyn,

i would visit,but not stay too long,would bring a tent!!!!

And set it up right next to your helicopter.
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Jo Adams
Jo Adams
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quotePosted at 23:02 on 29th July 2008
Just like still building houses on low-lying areas liable to flood
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