Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Village sign


in the county of Norfolk

Holly Blue Butterfly on Oxalis.


in the county of Kent

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

England Q&A

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English lingo
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
681112131st July 2008 17:37
by Krissy
4th September 2008 21:36
by Denzil Tregallion
Pages: 1 2 3
2238246th July 2008 23:04
by Judy Carol
27th August 2008 03:15
by Wolf
What are the furthest residential addresses in England?
Pages: 1 2
18599121st July 2008 19:54
by T Ali
26th August 2008 13:07
by Vera Howarth
JOGroats and Lands End - isolated communties nearby27482nd August 2008 21:18
by T Ali
4th August 2008 22:35
by T Ali
Highest above sea level1413628th July 2008 16:25
by T Ali
28th July 2008 20:56
by Nick Jones
Guess what
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901489612th February 2008 19:25
by Dennis Bailey
21st July 2008 18:42
by Denzil Tregallion
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 9 10 11 12 13
1241428325th May 2008 17:10
by Andy Edwards
4th June 2008 21:21
by Karen Pugh
Locating Morcott, Rutland629036th May 2008 05:11
by Gordon Harris
6th May 2008 20:13
by Ron Brind
Can you help with a legal question?9149312th February 2008 11:20
by Ron Brind
29th April 2008 12:16
by L
What are they called?
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1101393327th March 2008 01:50
by Kelly Fresh
26th April 2008 13:49
by Peter Evans
Picture request
Pages: 1 2
1134513rd January 2008 01:36
by Cliff Harris
29th March 2008 00:57
by Roses
St George's Day166928th March 2008 07:54
by L
28th March 2008 12:50
by Peter Evans
Heathrow to London
Pages: 1 2
11302816th February 2008 15:00
by Judy Carol
23rd March 2008 18:18
by Ron Brind
about cornwell in england089910th December 2007 20:47
by Diane Mucaf
10th December 2007 20:47
by Diane Mucaf
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