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Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 10:29 on 4th July 2008 So the do-gooders are at it again! Now they want to teach our babies about sex at four years of age for goodness sake! They worry about teenage pregnancy in the UK which is apparently one of the highest in Europe. Well let me tell you how it could be stopped, or certainly slowed up overnight. STOP GIVING PREGNANT 16 YEAR OLDS A FREE COUNCIL or HOUSING ASSOCIATION property. It's a deliberate ploy and the parents are often going along with it, we all know people who have done it! Parents are now my daughter has her own house, hmnn wonder what else we can get from the State? Now comes the washing machines, televisions, carpets, food vouchers, designer clothes, mobile phones, cars to collect their dole money and a whole host of other benefits that were not available when my wife and I raised our kids, no wonder this country is in the state that we are! In our day you WORKED for it, you bought a carpet on HP - that means Hire Purchase for you kids who don't understand! It would take us anything upto 3 years to pay for it, and then we would look to purchase a television, another 3 years by which time the carpet was showing signs of wear so off you go again!! Family allowance is another b....y joke, despite having two children my wife got 90p per week, and that was for both of them! BRING ON THE BNP I SAY! Oh, I nearly forgot. Get pregnant whilst in employment and you are now entitled to a full year of benefits, yeah a full year off work whilst your Employer struggles without you, as well as being forced to keep your job open! B....y disgraceful!! |
Andy Edwards![]() Posts: 1900 Joined: 14th Mar 2008 Location: UK | quotePosted at 14:10 on 4th July 2008 Yes Ron. I can remember the time it was illegal to have sex under the age of 16, and yet there are 13 and 14 year old girls walking about pregnant. Why aren't the 'fathers' locked up for Christs' sake? |
Diana Sinclair![]() Posts: 10119 Joined: 3rd Apr 2008 Location: USA | quotePosted at 15:21 on 4th July 2008 We have a similar problem in the U.S. Ron. It's sad. Our government made finally got wise and recently passed a bill that said if someone becomes pregnant while collecting from the state their new child will not be covered and the parents will not received any additional benefits. Sad to say but when I was growing up my mother was a single mom of five children and she worked three jobs to support us. When attempting to receive assistance from the state she was told she "made too much money". She could barely feed us! Meanwhile our neighbor was living with her common law husband (because they said they could get more aid from the state if they weren't married) and expecting their sixth child because for every child they had they would get a substantial increase in their monthly check, etc. When the Children Welfare Case Worker would come to check up on the little family, the boyfriend would temporarily move out, He would rent a truck, move out all of their nice furniture, and replace it with crap furniture they kept stored away for just such occasions. They would also hide their brand new car and bring in an older one to park in their driveway. The above may be an extreme example but still it explains why their are generations of families that live off the state. |
Sue H![]() Posts: 8172 Joined: 29th Jun 2007 Location: USA | quotePosted at 15:23 on 4th July 2008 It's a sad fact that allot of four year olds are being exposed to adult (sex) entertainment in their own home, with their parent/parents permission or at least without their parent/s concern. Now this doesn't mean that I agree 4 year olds should be taught about sex at school, what I am saying is that parents need to be conscientiously monitoring what their little ones are exposed to, so that they DON'T need to have it explained to them at school, because you can bet the parent/s of children watching soft porn, are not being educated in the home by the parent/s, the parent/s themselves need educating. |
Posts: Joined: 1st Jan 1970 | In England there is something verging on hysteria concerning peadophiles, (don't think it's spelled right). which reads as 'we must protect out children', and yet those same children are bombarded from morning till night with sexual imagery from magazines, advertising and, not least, mainstream television. It's too late for the parents of these children, they have been exposed to the same dross for years. I think it's called brutalisation. Diana, I know of at least two families that play the system here as well, and you can multiply that by thousands. |
L![]() Posts: 5656 Joined: 10th Jun 2004 Location: UK | quotePosted at 07:44 on 5th July 2008 This subject really gets up my nose! I agree totally with everything you've all said, and don't forget the 'Maternity Grant' that everyone was entitled to once, £50 per child when I had my twins in 1979 (I worked full time and paid the full stamp) and I had to get the Sister at the hospital to sign a form stating that had had 2 live births to collect the other £50! It is NOW £500!! per child BUT.... you can only get this if you're claiming benefits!!! So those who work and pay their way and are pregnant evidentally aren't entitled to it anymore, something has definitely gone wrong here! ![]() |
Anita Lilly![]() Posts: 1 Joined: 5th Jul 2008 Location: Australia | quotePosted at 08:54 on 5th July 2008 On 4th July 2008 10:29, Ron Brind wrote:
I sympathise with your anger. I'm a Brit living in Australia. We too have a massive problem with teen pregnancy and our silly government gives all parents of newborns $5000. The teens are producing mammoth amounts of kids - most of whom have no stable family, ie father and to top it all, child abuse statistics are at an all time high - not only sexual abuse, but straightout neglect and deliberately inflicted cruelty. The west has definitely lost the plot. wish I'd been born in the early 1900's.... Nita |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 10:20 on 5th July 2008 Welcome to POE Anita - the best website and forum on the net. Thanks for your comments re this particular thread. From the response generally I think we all sing from the same hymn sheet and agree that it's a disgrace, but where will it end? Join in again when you can Anita, you'll find other silly women in the forum - oop's did I say that? The truth is Anita were all a bit nuts in here when it suits us to be that is, so do join in with the banter when you can but watch out for that ugly Peter....boyish looks with the charm of a rattle snake! |
Andy Edwards![]() Posts: 1900 Joined: 14th Mar 2008 Location: UK | quotePosted at 10:32 on 5th July 2008 Hi Nita, it comes to something when it happens in Australia! You seem to be much more level-headed there, both your government and the general population. The trouble seems to be these days that there is no respect for childhood, no respect for womankind and no respect for decency. In the 50 years I've been on the planet the changes to attitude and behaviour have been frightening, when I was a teenager we listened to what adults said and digested it too. I am disgusted by the filth we hear from young people these days (not all young people of course, but a large enough number of them) and it makes me fear for the next generation. What will their children be taught, what violence (verbal, physical and sexual) will they be subject to? The mind boggles. If something isn't done soon there will be a complete meltdown. |
Diana Sinclair![]() Posts: 10119 Joined: 3rd Apr 2008 Location: USA | quotePosted at 15:20 on 5th July 2008 Welcome Nita. Your comments just go to show that no place on this earth is sacred anymore. Andy, I agree with your comment about the lack of respect for childhood and decency. I am most appalled by those people in authority (judges, lawmakers etc) who will not hand down stiffer sentences for pedophiles. Recently, one judge in the US refused to hand down the death penalty when it was sought in the case of a repeat offender, stating that he didn't think the rape of a child warranted death to the offender. Whether or not any of us agree with the death penalty on principle the point I am making is that pedophilia is not seen as the serious crime that it is. One judge actually made the comment that the victim, an eight year old boy, would "get over it". Makes you sick doesn't it? |